Kieraney Luna Kieraney Luna

TP 3 LP_Kieriney Luna
Intermediate level


In this lesson Ss will be reviewing the present perfect tense and the past simple tense, with the intention of giving a better understanding of the two.


Abc Speak out - Intermediate SB

Main Aims

  • To provide review of present perfect and simple past tense

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T. shares screen of Google Jamboard on Zoom. T. instructs students to finish the sentence wiith their own memories - “When I was a child” and “In the last few years” T gives demo first and puts Ss in Breakout rooms (Pw-2 min) - ICQ: how long do you have for the task? T. writes Ss answers on sticky notes on Jamboard. (1 min)

Exposure (Gist Task) (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T. lets SS. know that they will read a short text. T. shares screen and shares link in chat. T. gives instructions: Ss. need to read the text for the overall idea and answer the question “what are they talking about” (1 min) T asks ICQs: - Are you reading for details or the overall idea? T then instructs SS to discuss their answers in pairs (1 min.). T nominates some Ss. to share their answers with the whole class

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T. will have Ss go to next section in google forms document. T. will instruct students to mark all the sentences from the text that are simple past tense and then mark all the sentences that are present perfect tense. T will do a demo with Ss to ensure understanding. (2 min individual work) - ICQ are we marking one box or all the boxes that apply? T will go over answers by nominating Ss to each give one answer.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: T. will share screen of google docs "We’ve studied enough to pass the exam." T. will ask CCQs: When are these actions referring to? is the exam over? Form : I will ask my students to identify the structure Past simple: Subject + ____ form of the verb Did + subject + base form of the verb + ? Subject + Did not (didn't) + base form of the verb Present Perfect: Subject + _______ + past participle Have/Has + subject + ________+ ? Subject + Have ___(haven't) / ____ not (hasn't) + past participle Pronunciation: Will go over the pronunciation of - ed t after unvoiced consonants (except t) K, S, P etc Cooked, asked, etc d after voiced consonants & vowels(except d) N, G, M, V, Vowels etc Lived, Learned, seemed id after t & d Wanted, invited, started

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will ask my Ss to complete a fill in the blank form, with the correct form of the verb. (Individual) I will have Ss work in pairs to check answers in breakout rooms. T. will nominate students to give answers.

Free Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T. will project jamboard T will instruct students to ask each other the questions Have you ever... ? watch film at an outdoor cinema do something embarrassing in public write a poem/story go to a country on a different continent collect something as a hobby T. will monitor while Ss are in breakout rooms

Feedback (5-6 minutes) • Feedback on the Freer Practice and DEC

T while nominate Ss to share their answers to the questions T will do DEC with mistakes heard during the follow up and correct them with Ss

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