Hossein Esfahani Hossein Esfahani

Future lesson
IELTS P 61 and 62 level


In this lesson SS learn some collocations (Adjective/noun) and then they try to use them. SS also explore the adjectives in the vocabulary part a bit further to come up with new collocations. Then they try to learn how the IELTS Speaking part three works with a focus on learning certain time expressions to answer the questions


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of adjective/noun collocations in the context of daily life
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a IELTS speaking part 3 in the context of future using some useful expressions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of future tenses in the context of prediction about the future
  • To provide practice in paraphrasing the questions when answering an IELTS speaking part 3 question


Revision (8-10 minutes) • Future tenses revision

As a follow-up to the lesson from the previous class I review the grammar and go through the exercises on pages 60 and 61.

Vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • to teach them adj/n collocations

I put the word collocation on the board and elicit some collocations. Then I direct their attention to Adj/n collocations. I ask SS to do the vocabulary exercises in part 1 in pairs.

Vocabulary (7-9 minutes) • Activation

I ask SS to complete the gap in the paragraph. Page 61 ex. 2 in pairs. Then they discuss the questions in ex. 3

Vocabulary (6-8 minutes) • More adj/n collocations

I show give them the worksheet and ask them to match the adjective with the nouns to make new collocations. Answers: modern times, agricultural production, dominant personality, thriving industry, the general opinion, urban areas, governing body, indigenous languages Then I ask them to do the second part of the worksheet. Answers: 1. agricultural production, 2. thriving industry, 3. dominant personality, 4. indigenous languages, 5. urban areas, 6. the general opinion, 7. modern times, 8. governing body

Speaking (5-7 minutes) • Fluency in future tenses

I encourage SS to use the expressions in the box to discuss the prompts (Page 62 ex. 1). I make sure they use future tenses appropriately.

Speaking (4-5 minutes) • IELTS parts 3

I ask SS to go to page 210 and read through the checklist so they understand what each question is looking for. I try to demonstrate that they can sound more sophisticated if they somehow paraphrase the question initially when they want to answer the questions in IELTS speaking part. For example for a question like this: 'Why do you think people make predictions about the future?' a good answer can be 'Well, I think the reasons behind people's interest in predicting the future is ...'

Speaking (8-10 minutes) • Fluency

I put these prompts on the board: Future tenses useful expressions Paraphrasing checklist on page 210 SS discuss the questions in pairs (page 62 ex 2)

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