kasia kasia

Copy of Present Simple Lesson
Elementary A1/A2 level


In this lesson students learn about the Present Simple Tense through guided discovery based on the reading text about a film actor students read in the previous lesson. The lesson starts with a discussion about the facts that students remember from the text. This will be followed by focusing on target language in the text with some controlled practice afterwards.


Abc A glamorous life?
Abc Scrambled questions

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of the Present Simple Tense (I/you/we/they) in the context of daily routines

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide controlled and semi-controlled writing practice with the target language
  • To provide detailed listening practice using an audio file about an actor's life in the context of daily routines


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To get lesson context and engage Ss

• Project the photo and the text about the film actor Sam Dane. • Elicit from Ss who he is and what they learnt about him. • Ask CCQs to elicit from Ss what 'daily routine' is.

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language - Present Simple (I/you/we/they)

• Elicit from Ss what they learnt about film actors from the text. • Ss say what they remember from the text, e.g. They work long days. • Ask a CCQ to ensure Ss know what 'work long days' means: T: Do they work much or little? S: Little • Elicit from Ss where the verb is. • Ask CCQs to check they know what verb is: T: What is verb? Is it something that we do? S: Yes • Ask Ss to find all verbs in the text and underline them. • Nominate a S to do it in the projected text on WB (don't force, ask a volunteer)

Clarification (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of target language

• Ask CCQs: 1) Do these verbs tell us about present, past or future? 2) Are they about what he's doing now or generally, every day? • Project slide 2 with four sentences. Say that they all are in the Present Simple Tense. • Nominate a S to find and circle the verbs. • Elicit from Ss if 1) Present Simple is about present, past or future. 2) Is it about daily routines, about what we do regularly, every day? • Project slide 3 and ask if Present Simple is the same or different after I, you, we and they. • Model a sentence: 'I get up at 5 o'clock'. Encourage Ss to continue: You get up at 5.. We... They.... • Mark the sentence stress for the sentences in slide 3. • Do pronunciation drilling of the sentences.

Controlled practice (7-8 minutes) • To check how Ss use the target language

• Open slide 4. • Get Ss to write 6 sentences about their daily routines with the verbs from ex. 1. Set time limit: 5 minutes. • Ask ICQs: T: How many sentences will you write? S: 6 T: Which verbs will you use? S: From ex. 1 • If there are early finishers, ask them to write their sentences on the board. • As FB, 1) Ss compare their sentences in pairs. 2) Ask who has the same sentences?

Listening (4-5 minutes) • To provide listening for detail practice in the context of Sam's afternoon and evening routine

• Open slide 5. • Get Ss to read about Sam's afternoon and evening routine and decide in pairs which answers are correct. T: Read about Sam's afternoon and evening routine. Which answers do you think are correct? Underline them. Work in pairs. T: Which answers will you underline: correct or wrong? S: Correct • Discuss together with the class & mark on WB the answers that Ss come up with. • Listen and check.

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to target language - wh-questions in Present Simple

• Project slide 6 on WB. • Distribute the worksheets with the transcript of the interview. • Get Ss to listen again and find all the questions.

Clarification (3-4 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of target langauge - wh-questions

• Project slide 7 on WB. • Get Ss to look at the table and notice the word order in questions. • In pairs, get Ss to complete the table in the worksheets. • Nominate one S to do it on WB (do not force, ask the volunteer)

Controlled practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare Ss for more meaningful practice

• Divide Ss in groups of four. • Give each group scrambled questions. • Get the groups to make questions with the words. • Project slide 8. • Put sentence marks and drill the questions.

Semi-controlled practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check students' understanding of wh-questions further and prepare for freer practice

• Project slide 9 • Get Ss to write questions for the answers. • Nominate different Ss to write the questions on WB

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