Elaheqp Elaheqp

Photo description
B1 level


In this lesson students learn about how to use past contributions through describing photos.


Abc PowerPoint

Main Aims

  • To provide writing and speaking practice of a Description in the context Of photo

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of The past continues in the context of Of photo


Presentation (10-15 minutes) • To contextualise the topic of favourite picture and to give students a model for the speaking activity

Show students a power pointe of their teacher favourite pictures including some description questions which students should guess the answers.

Practice (5-7 minutes) • To understand the concept of favourite photo

students a worksheet including a question (what makes a picture as your favourite picture?)and ask them to do it as a pair work.

Practice (10-15 minutes) • To use the target language that they were exposing to.

Ask students to look into their phone and find 2 of their favourite photos and then want them to stand in the center of the class as onion ring style and ask qustions and describe about each others favourite picture. Give them a hand out worksheet about what qustions they can ask as an inspiration.

Production (10-15 minutes)

Divide students into 5 groups of 4 and give students a worksheet including 4 picture so that they can choose their favourite one and write a description about it and then speak about their description with their teammates.

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