Khaled Khaled

Elementary level


Student’s Book Unit 2A pg 17 Exercise 5 Writing and Speaking


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have experienced a guided writing practice of a paragraph in the context of daily lives

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of Simple present in the context of daily lives through a speaking activity


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Introduce learners to new friend called "Monkey" who is a cat by showing his picture on screen. - Ask them what they think Monkey does in his daily life. - Start showing pictures in a ppt of Monkey doing various daily activities but it's funny because it's human activities such as work hard, make money, sleep early etc. - learners start forming simple present sentences describing the pictures such as " He works hard." - Show each sentence on screen after learners answer it.

Preparation for Writing Task (8-10 minutes) • Get learners to practice asking and answering simple present questions about themselves

- Ask the first question to a learner to show other learners how to the activity. - Have learners practise in pairs in the breakout rooms the following questions: Do you smoke? Do live in a flat? Do you like football? Do you read a newspaper every day? Do you wear glasses? - Bring them back to the main room and ask some of them about their partners for example: "Amira, does Yousef smoke?" " No, he doesn't". - Check that ss know the vocabulary mentioned above through quick questions to random learners for example: "Iman, which is bigger a flat or a house?" or "Shima, name a famous football player".

Productive Task(s) - Writing (15-18 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice their writing skills within the target context.

- Show an example paragraph of mine about a Chinese family. - Give students one minute to read my paragraph. - Ask them some CCQ questions about the Chinese family. - Then tell students that they will now write their own paragraph about an Egyptian family. - Share the exercise sentences with them on screen but change the picture into some pictures on an Egyptian family. - Give them a minute to read them and take a picture. - Show them Padlet and how they will use it to write at least 10 sentences about the Egyptian family then ask some ICQ questions. - Give them 10 minutes for the writing task while monitoring in Padlet. PS. writing will be done anonymously without names on it on the padlet wall.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- Ask for volunteers to read a paragraph out loud then ask everyone to guess who wrote this one and finally, ask the writer to reveal themselves and then add their name to it. - Keep doing step1 until we finish all paragraphs. - Play a game of who can spot a mistake where learners try to find any grammar or spelling errors on the wall. - Do a quick pronunciation revision where I say the difficult words and they repeat after me. - Summarize what we learned and how to watch out for potential errors. - Bring the actual cat "Monkey" to the camera to say bye to learners.

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