Gülsevin Kara Gülsevin Kara

Reading Lesson
A2 level level


In this lesson, the students will practice intensive reading to identify stated and unstated details within the context of a reading passage about boys' and girls' colour choices. They will also revise and have further practice with reading for gist and getting the meaning of unknown words from the context.


Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with intensive reading practice by identifying stated and unstated details in a text about boys' and girl's colour choices, and revise reading for gist and getting the meaning of unknown words from the context.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a pairwork and group discussion in the context of colour choices by genders


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T projects a visual of pink and blue colours on the board and asks the students what they see and what comes to their minds. T elicits answers from the WC.

Pre-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T asks students to work in pairs and compare the two photos on page 99 to say 3 things that are the SAME or SIMILAR, and 3 things that are DIFFERENT. T elicits ideas in feedback.

While-Reading #1 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with a less challenging gist reading task

T reminds Ss of the basics of reading for gist by telling them that they should read the task quickly and try not to understand every detail. T also underlines the importance of understanding the topic in each paragraph by paying attention to the repeated words and ideas. T then asks students to read the article alone and match the headings in Reading 2 with the paragraphs. T then asks the Ss to compare their answers in pairs before checking as a WC. In feedback, T asks which words in each paragraph helped them understand the topics.

While-Reading #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice for working out the meaning of unknown words from the context

T tells the students in this activity they are not allowed to use any dictionaries. T briefly reminds the Ss of how they can guess the meaning of unknown words in a text. They can check their parts of speech, other words that help describe and define them, which words are grouped with them, their general knowledge, the look of the word or similarity to a word in their language. T then asks students to work in groups of 3 to read, find and underline the words in Reading 3 in the article. Ss then tryt to work out the meaning of these words and match them with their definitions. T finally elicits feedback as a WC activity and confirm Ss' answers by defining the word

While-Reading #3 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with intensive reading practice to identify stated and unstated details in a reading text.

T explains the Ss that some of the information in the sentences in part 4 is present in the text, but some of them is not. T tells the Ss that they need to read more carefully and more slowly this time to decide if the informantion in this sentences are present or not. T then instructs the Ss to have a quick look at the sentences in part 4 to identify the key words in each. T reminds the Ss the importance of keywords when reading for details. T elicits the key words in each sentence from the WC before Ss starts to read again. T sets the time for the activity. (3-4 min). Then Ss compare their answers in pairs. T nominates some Ss to get the answers and asks the rest if they agree or not. During feedback, T elicits from the WC where they can find the information in the text if they think that it is present in the article.

Post-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to respond to the text, expand on and personalize what they've learned by means of a group discussion

T asks students to work alone and choose the options to complete the sentences with their own opinions in Part 7. (2 mins). T arranges groups of 3-4 (depending on the number of Ss) and asks Ss to work in groups to tell each other their opinions and give reasons for their answers. T instructs the Ss to explain each other why they agree or diagree with these statements. Before Ss start their group discussions, T draws Ss' attention to the useful language for expressing opinions (e.g. I think.... / I believe ..... /In my opinion, .... / I agree with this idea because ..... / I don't agree with this idea because.....) T sets the time for the activity and monitors Ss closely during GW and notes down some of the common student mistakes. T then goes over each statement to see who agrees/disagrees and why to find out how wide-ranging the views are in the class. T finally draws attention to some of the common language mistakes and elicits correct forms from the Ss as a WC activity

Contingency Plan: Post-Reading #2 (2-3 minutes) • To provide Ss with a further opportunity personalize what they've read about with a reflection activity.

If there is some extra time at the end of the lesson, T asks Ss to work in groups again to consider the text again and talk about the following in 2 minutes; "3 things I learnt" / "2 things I found interesting" / "1 question I still have" T then elicits answers from the WC if time permits.

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