Baran Baran

Preposition of place (in/on/under /by)
Elementary (ADC4) level


Abc 1) HO
Abc 2)WB
Abc PowerPoint
Abc Picture
Abc Realia

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Preposition of place in the context of Weather

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of Where is the...? in the context of Weather


Warmer/lead in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

This is a Lead-in activity to activate the class at the start of the session and engage Ss . Teacher will say play a video of actions students should do the action like : If your happy happy clap your hands Students will do all the actions so it makes a student's to be ready for the lesson

Review (15-20 minutes) • To practice more with Ss

I will start Frome the first lesson to page 52 and I want them to answer my questions like What is your fav toy( they should say the toys that they learned) I want them to listen to the listening again and say And also for conversation I want them to do with their friends

Teaching (30-45 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or listening

I will work on theses pages: 53 54 55 56 On page 53 we will work on listening 1 or 2 times First of all I will read my self Then I will ask them to read Also I will teach about put something And then ask them On page 54 we will work on (Ii) I will play and sing the alphabet song then we will listen to the listening then I will say some examples with (Ii) then I will ask them On page 55 I will work in new words and then listen and I will read once then Ss On page 56 We have review part I will play listening then I will ask Ss

Jingle bells (10-12 minutes) • Ss will learn some new words and song

We worked on this sing so first we will listen then I will ask Ss to sing for me and I will sing once again

Movie (5-10 minutes) • To practice words and grammar and also grammar

I will play DVD for unit one and I want them to be ready to answer my questions about DVD 📀

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