Reza Mousavi Reza Mousavi

suggesting and responding to ideas Oct26 2023 Reza
upper intermediate, Level 4, B2 level


İn this lesson, students will learn and practice suggesting and responding to ideas. They will practice brainstorming and familiarize themselves with six rules of brainstorming through the article on page 62. After that, they will learn 12 collocations for the word *idea* -6 adjectives and 6 verbs- (learning first as there is no video available on this subject for the students to watch before class.). İn the next part, practice following main points of short talks on familiar topics delivered in clear, standard speech through listening track 5.6 and 5.7 on page 62. Students listen once again and focus on the phrases used to suggest, react to and comment on ideas. After that, with the notes they take while listening, students complete the sentences (P62, Ex3A) with the words and phrases used in the recording. Here, there will be an exposure to the structures for suggesting and reacting to ideas in the Language Bank on page 136. İn the next part, students will be given chance to practice using the phrases they learned from the previous stage in a role-play task about (getting people to stop dropping litter, P63). Finally, students in groups of three members will be given one of the speaking topics (P63, Ex 6A). İn their groups, they will brainstorm ideas for their topic for a few minutes, and then they will share the results within their groups, and they will choose the best idea and think of reasons to reject the other ideas.


Abc Student book

Main Aims

  • Students will be able to identify and understand common collocations with the word *idea* in the context of encouraging people to walk more.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will develop their ability to express opinions and preferences in speaking using appropriate collocations in the context of in one of the following areas: How to encourage people to learn a foreign language • How to get people to visit your country or city • How to improve one aspect of the building you are in • How to encourage students to do their homework • How to encourage young people to be more polite to older people • How to get kids to eat more vegetables
  • Students will understand and follow the ideas in the listening practice using a text about suggesting ideas and giving encouragement in the context of taking more walk.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

İ will put the students in groups of three and asked them to discuss and make a list of as many ideas as they can for making sure they only speak English in class. after 5 minutes and i will invite students write their ideas on a Google Doc i will share with them. Then, they will decide which are the three most popular ideas.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students read the article individually and then they check their ideas about each rule in pairs. Rule number 5 is wrong based on the brainstorming conventions. İ will ask them to decide which rule is wrong and why? Students then share their idea of the wrong option with class.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Then, İ will write the word *idea* on the board and İ will ask them to think of a verb and an adjective that can be used with *idea*. İ will write a few examples on the board for everyone, especially the less advantaged ones, to understand what collocation is. After that, İ will ask them to underline six verbs and circle six adjectives which collocate with *idea* in the article. They will check their answers around their table.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

For Ex1D P62, İ will do the first one as an example with class and İ will set all others as an individual work. İ will ask the students to match the words in bold in sentences 2 to 8 with the correct collocation in the article individually and then with the others in their team. Here, İ will ask them to read the sentences 1 to 8 around each table again and discuss the topics and decide which ones they agree with.

Function: Listening (15-17 minutes) • Expose students to the target language ( suggesting ideas)

The topic here here is *why people do not walk as much nowadays?* İ will ask the students to brainstorm the possible reasons for why people do not walk as much nowadays and İ will ask * what can be done to encourage people to walk more?* İ will give them 4-5 minutes to write down three ideas on the Google Doc İ will share with them. Students will listen to the first part of the audio and take note of the reasons discussed in it. Then, İ will ask them to compare their own ideas with those in the recording and check if any of their ideas were covered in the conversation they listened to. Here, students will have another exposure to brainstorming and suggesting ideas. Students choose three best ideas and compare them with that of their friends. Now, students listen to the second part of the audio and cross off any of the ideas on their list that are rejected and take notes of the reasons for the rejection. and they circle the one that is chosen. Students compare their answers and notes with other answers and notes around their table.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

For this controlled task (P62, Ex3A), İ will give students chance to look through the phrases first and try to remember what was said in the recording about each and they fill in gaps. Then, İ will pair students and İ will play the recording and ask them to check their answers. These seven sentences expose the students to the forms they need to use in suggesting ideas.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

For this semi-controlled activity, İ will first show them a few pictures of people dropping litter on the street and İ will ask them to guess what the problem is! Then İ will ask the to brainstorm the best ideas for getting people to stop dropping litter around their table and note down the results on a Google Doc İ will share with them. After that, they discuss what the best solution is among their ideas and the ones in Ex4A P63 as a class. Then, İ put the students in pairs and have them practice the conversation (flow chart Ex 4B) which İ will print on papers with complete conversation on the back. İ will remind them to be careful with the verb forms and get back to the back of their paper if they are unsure about anything.

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

For this free speaking practice (P63, Ex 6A), İ will divide students to groups of three members and İ will ask them to choose one of the topics. They will brainstorm and take note of the ideas they generate about that idea. They should brainstorm four to five ideas for their topic. İ will remind the students to incorporate some of the phrases for suggesting ideas. İ will monitor the groups and and will take notes of the good and wrong language for the feedback. Before presenting the ideas to the class, İ will remind them to have another look at the EX 1C and review the collocations with idea to ensure they make a good use of those in the presentation of their ideas.

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