Kimberley van Weezendonk Kimberley van Weezendonk

TP2_LP_Kimberley van Weezendonk
Upper intermediate level


To provide listening practice for specific information and more detailed comprehension in the context of a memorable event.


Abc exercise 2
Abc recorded text on memorable events
Abc Google form containing questions from exercise 3
Abc slides Memorable Events

Main Aims

  • To provide listening practice for specific information and more detailed comprehension in the context of a memorable event.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of vocabulary and to practice speaking skills in the context of a memorable event.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To engage the ss in the topic of memorable events I will show them 4 pictures of memorable events. A wedding couple, a sports match in a stadium, a concert and a person dressed for Dia de los muertos. I will ask ss 2 questions: 1) Can you guess what these events are? 2) Can you give me some more examples of memorable events?

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

To prepare ss for the text and make it accessible I will clarify the following vocabulary. 1) choir -meaning: show a picture of a choir and ask ss if they know what it is. Try to elicit meaning by stating context sentences such as " the boy sings in a church choir" or " the school choir will perform a song by the famous composer "Tchaikofsky". Then I will tell them the meaning is a group of people who sing together for other people to listen to. Concept question: Is one person singing a choir? No, only a group. -Form: countable noun -Pronunciation: I will say the word and ask ss to repeat it. Emphasize the "k" sound and say it is the same in the word "orchestra". -Appropriate: neutral 2) petal -Meaning: show ss a picture of a rose with petals and point out the petals. Ask ss if they know the word for this. Context sentence: "At the wedding rose petals were thrown at the wedding couple". Ask ss if they can guess the meaning. Then say that petal means one of the cloured parts of a flower that are shaped like a leave. Concept question: Are all the green leaves of a flower called petal? No, only the coloured leaves of a flower. -Form: countable noun. A petal -Pronunciation: stress is on the first part of the word. Say it and repeat together. -Appropriate: neutral 3) Gig -Meaning: This word is used in the context of musicians and bands. Does anyone know what it means? Context sentences: "The band had 30 gigs on their European tour" or " the musician had a gig at a wedding". Then elicit meaning again. Tell ss the emaning of gig is a performance by a musician or a group of musicians playing modern popular music or a performance by a comedian. You can say to do/ play or have a gig. -Form: countable noun. A gig -Pronunciation: say and repeat the word together -Appropriate: informal

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

- tell ss they are going to listen to 4 people talking about memorable events. - tell ss that they first have to read the 4 questions for the first exercise. - Check that ss understand the questions and vocabulary. - Show questions on screen while playing the recording. - play the recording and pause after each speaker so ss can take notes. - project answer key for all 4 questions on screen as we do an open class feedback (this should take no more than 3 minutes.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

- Tell ss they are going to listen to the whole recording a second time but this time they have to listen for details. - show ss the questions on the shared screen and ask them to read them before I play the recording again. Also ask them to take a photo of the questions on the screen. Ask ss if they understand all the questions. - send the questions in Google Forms to ss in chat and ask if they have received them. Give ss 6 minutes to answer all the questions. -after 6 minutes ask if everyone has answered all questions -tell ss I am going to put them in pairs in BOR's to discuss the answers to these questions. I will give ss 4 minutes to do this. I will monitor the ss in BOR's to check if the audio needs to be replayed. -After BOR's I will share the answer key on the screen with ss and we will do an open class feedback.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

I will tell ss that they are going to discuss the events they have listened to in pairs. I will ask them if they have had similar experiences themselves or if they would want to have them. I will put ss in BOR's to discuss. Tell them they have 4 minutes. I will monitor the ss in the BOR's and write down any language mistakes I hear. After the BOR's we will discuss answers in open class and then I will do a delayed error correction.

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