Esra Günseli EROL Esra Günseli EROL

204C Lesson 2
A1 level


Students are going to talk about food using countable and uncountable nouns with a, an, some, and any.


Abc Vocabulary Game-Food
Abc Food images

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of a, an, some, and any in the context of food

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of food vocabulary in the context of countable and uncountable nouns
  • To provide accuracy and fluency with a speaking practice in pairs and groups in the context of food


Warm-up (5-8 minutes) • To encourage students and wake them up.

T welcomes the ss. T takes the attendance. T starts a brainstorm for food vocabulary for ss to remember what they have learnt.

Remembering and Understanding - Vocabulary Practice (8-10 minutes) • To recognize and recall food vocabulary learnt before

T divides the students in groups. T gives word cards consisting of food and related words to each group to play a game. A student from each group picks a word from the cards and tries to draw it without telling the word to the group. The rest of the group tries to tell the exact word. Then, they take turns.

Remembering and Understanding - Grammar Practice (4-5 minutes) • To recognize and recall a, an, some, and any uses.

Ss work in pairs. T reflects the book, page 145 4A.c, on the board. Ss are supposed to complete the activity with their partners by correcting one mistake in each sentence given in the exercise with a, an, some, and any. Ss are expected to consolidate food vocabulary and the grammar together in this activity. After the given time, T and the ss check the answers together. T asks for questions to clarify the topic.

Applying and Analyzing - Vocabulary and Grammar (5-6 minutes) • To implement the daily use of the target vocabulary and grammar

T and ss go to the page 41.5.d to practice the food vocabulary and a, an, some, and any in a daily life conversation. Ss complete the conversation given with a, an, some, and any in pairs. To check the answers, T shows the answer key on the board. If there are questions, they are answered together. Then, ss roleplay the same conversation to practice the target content in production.

Creating - Speaking (5-6 minutes) • To put elements together to form a functional production.

T reflects a material consisting of images of food. T gives the instructions for ss. Ss are expected to have their own conversations as in roleplay by using the images on the board. Ss ask for each item in the exercise to complete the activity. T monitors and assissts ss.

Creating - Speaking (5-6 minutes) • To put elements together to form a functional production.

In the last part of the lesson, ss are going to work in pairs on pages 130 and 133. They are going to look at the picture given in the activity and answer each other's questions about what is on their stall by using the target content. T monitors and assissts them.

Reminders (2-3 minutes) • To remind the students what they should do at the weekend and for the next week.

T makes announcements if there is any. T asks for questions which are off-topic and not related to the lesson content. T finishes the lesson.

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