Kimberley van Weezendonk Kimberley van Weezendonk

TP1 LP Kimberley van Weezendonk (Receptive Skills)
upper intermediate level


To provide reading practice for specific information and detailed comprehension in the context of family music bands.


Abc Reading text "The family that plays together...."
Abc Google form containing questions Exercise 2
Abc Google form containing questions exercise 4
Abc Google form containing exercise 3

Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice for specific information and detailed comprehension in the context of an article about family music bands.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of vocabulary in the context of family music bands and to enable the student to practice his speaking skills in the context of family music bands.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To engage the students in the topic of family music bands I will ask the students 2 questions. 1) Which types of music do you like most? ( I will give these examples: folk, disco, jazz, hip-hop, regaeton, rock, pop, rap) 2) Are there any types of music you don't like and why?

Pre-Reading/Listening (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

To prepare students for the text I and make it accessible I will clarify the following vocabulary on the whitebord. I have prepared a whiteboard with the vocabulary on it and will share my screen. 1) The word "featuring" -Meaning: First I will ask the ss if anyone knows the meaning of this word. If so, I will let them explain. If nobody knows I will ask them if they can deduce the meaning of the word from the following sentences: Lady Gaga is featuring in the film " A star is born" or A song by George Michael featuring Chakira. After that I will tell ss that featuring means playing an important role. -Form: I will tell the ss this is a verb - Pronunciation: tell ss the emphasis of this word is on the first part of the word. I will ask ss to repeat the word a couple of times. 2) The word "appeal". Meaning: First I will ask ss if they know this word and if they can explain it. If they do not know I will ask them if they can deduce the meaning from the following sentence: "That food does not appeal to me" or "regaeton music has no appeal to me". Then I will explain that it means attraction . Form: I will explain it can be used as a noun or as a verb Pronunciation: emphasis is on the last part of the word. I wlll say it and ask ss to repeat it a couple of times. 3) the word "equivalent". Meaning: First I will ask ss if they know this word and if they can explain it. Then I will ask if they can deduce the meaning from the sentence " a cup is equivalent to 250 ml" . Then I will explain that it means something with the same value. Form: the word is a noun. Pronunciation: the emphasis is on the second part of the word. I will say it and ask them to repeat it.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

I will tell ss they are going to read a text about music bands and share a copy of the article with ss in the chat and tell them they are going to do 2 exercises where they have to answer questions about the text I have provided them with. I have prepared the exercises in two google forms documents and will send the first form to ss via the chat. I will tell them to read the questions first and then I will give ss 5 minutes to read the article quickly just to answer the questions. Tell ss not to focus on difficult vocabulary. After 5 minutes we will discuss their answers to the first exercise briefly in the classroom by asking ss for their answers and comparing. After that I will send exercise 3 in the chat, which I have prepared in Google forms and give ss 4 more minutes to answer these questions. I will explain that question a is not answered in the text for all the bands. After 4 minutes we will check the answers

While-Reading/Listening #2 (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

I will tell ss they are going to do another reading exercise and I will send them another Google form with 7 questions in the chat. SS have to read the questions first and then read the text again to answer all the questions. I will give them 6 minutes to do this. After 6 minutes I will put ss in breakout rooms to check their answers in pairs. They will get 4 minutes to do this. After the breakout rooms I will ask ss what their answers are and why they chose that answer. We will do an open class feedback.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

For this post reading speaking activity I will ask the ss if they think the family groups are happy working together. I will tell them they are going into small groups in BOR to discuss what would be the advantages/ problems of working with family members. Would they do it? Why/why not? I will also ask them if they think that parents of talented children push them to be successful. Do they know of any cases? What happened to the children? I wiil give students 5 minutes to discuss in BORs. While they are in BOR's I will monitor them and write down some errors ss make when speaking. After BORs I will ask ss of each group to tell answers and share with whole class. Finally I will do the delayed error correction.

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