Jenelle Pamela Roxas-Lega Jenelle Pamela Roxas-Lega

Demo Lesson
Grade 3 level


Abc Hoops x 2
Abc Colored Plastic Balls x 10
Abc Powerpoint
Abc Chores Word Flashcards
Abc Microphone
Abc Spinners x 4
Abc Song
Abc Actions Pose Cards
Abc Moon Picture Cut-Outs

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice to enable students to use adverbs of frequency to talk about how often they do their chores.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To be able to understand the meaning and usage of adverbs of frequency.


Warm-up (2-3 minutes) • To prepare students for learning by stimulating their minds and bodies

Before the lesson starts, place picture cards of different action poses on the students' chairs. Play a song and have the students walk around their team desks. When the music stops, the students must freeze and stand before one action pose. The students must then do the action shown in the picture they are in front of.

Exposure (8-9 minutes) • To provide context for the target language. Students will practice identifying different chores and adverbs of frequency.

Students review the chores vocabulary and the adverbs of frequency. Game: Zoomed in pictures guessing game The teacher will give each team a set of chores flashcards. The teacher will show the class a zoomed-in picture of a chore. Each team will have one player with ten seconds to guess the chore. Then, the teacher will show the class the whole picture. The team that can guess the correct chore gets points.

Highlighting and Clarification (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language and to clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Students review all chores and adverbs of frequency structures. They make sentences using "I always/usually/sometimes/never ...". The teacher asks some students to read and complete sentences. Then they make sentences using "He/She always/usually/sometimes/never...". The teacher calls some students to read and complete sentences. The teacher reviews and emphasizes the pronunciation of the end sounds for chores about he and she. (ex. She always practices the piano.)

Class Activity: Guessing Game (5-6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for practice

The teacher will put masking tape on the floor to divide the area where the students will line up for the game. The area will have two choices: Moon 1 and Moon 2. The teacher will ask the students where the cat is hiding (Moon 1 or Moon 2) by standing on the lane where they think the cat is. After ten seconds, the teacher will ask the students from each side to read the sentence on their moon. The students standing on the lane with the cat in it wins the round.

Game: Clap and Boom (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Place the hoop with the colored balls in the center of the desk. Have each pair of students from each team stand on opposite sides of the desk. The teacher will say either “clap,” “boom,” or a color. If the teacher says “clap,” the students must clap their hands. If the teacher says “boom,” the students must bang the desk. If the teacher says a color, the students must grab that colored ball. The first student to grab the colored ball must make a sentence using the target structure for that colored ball shown on the screen. The team that gets the ball gets points for their team. Activity: Mindfulness exercise A quick mindfulness breathing exercise to calm the students before the last activity.

Free Practice and Wrap-Up (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Spinner Speaking Practice Each team will be given a spinner. One student from each team spins the spinner. Whoever the spinner points to has to stand up in front of the class and start saying the speaking practice exercise. The students then return to their seats, and the next student spins the spinner for the next set of speakers. Speaking Practice: Hello, everyone! My name is (Miss Jill). A chore is a small job you have to do. Let me tell you about the chores I do at home. I always (tidy the bedroom), usually (cook lunch) and sometimes (go shopping), but I never (take out the rubbish). Doing chores keep our homes clean. Thanks for listening!

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