Jennifer Diaz Jennifer Diaz

TP6 Jennifer Díaz
pre-intermediate level


Abc page 29

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency practice in the context of suggesting jobs for different people.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used in the context
  • Analysis of useful language


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-I will show Ss a picture about choosing a job -I will ask Ss What can you see there? to give some brainstorming ideas after I wil ask Ss What do you think is important to consider when choosing a job? I will give the a Demo: "I think people should choose their jobs based on their abilities. -I will show Ss other picture, and I will Ask them: what do the image represent? what do you think the lesson will be about?

Exposure (10-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

-I will give Ss a reading activity -I will show Ss four different people -I will explain the chart to Ss and how they will fill it in -Reading activity: The Ss will read four people talking about their interests, while they read they will fill in the table with their interests. 2 minutes -I will ask if they need to read again. -I will tell Ss that they can check the written information on slide ICQs: 1)Are you working individually or in pairs? No, individually 2)Are you going to fill in both columns? No, just the first one/ interests one -I will show the Ss other pictures about jobs, I will give Ss 2 minutes to choose at least two jobs for each person and write those on the second column. -Later Ss will discuss their answers in BOR (2 min) -I will ask Ss to share answers with classmates, but they CAN'T change anything from their chart ICQs: 1) Are you going to change the information of your chart? A: No -Before OCFB

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

a) I will show Ss different phrases to share and compare ideas: -I think that (name) will be a good/bad (job) because she/he can… -In my opinion, (name) should become a (job) because... is very ... so, he/she will be a good... -(name) is very (hard-working) so he/she will be a good (job) - I don’t think (name) will be a good (job) because… b) I will show Ss different phrases to share and compare ideas: -What do you think? -Do you Agree? -I’m not sure -I don’t know MEANING I will ask Ss what do these sentences represent I will elicit other way of saying them and asking Ss if they think they're ok: 1) affirmative I think that Morgan will be a good nurse because... --> I think that Morgan should be a nurse because. In my opinion Morgan should be a nurse because... ---> In my opinion, Morgan will be a good nurse because ... 2) negative I will make the negative form of the sentences: I don't think that..., In my opinion.... should not I will ask them: Are they formal, informal or neutral? Would you use these expressions with everyone? FORM I will elicit the form of the sentences I will check with the Ss the fixed part I think that Morgan should be a nurse because. Which are the comparative expressions? (I think, In my opinion) Which are the reasons sentences? (because, she likes) I will ask Ss for the structure they see (noun, verbs, adjectives, tenses, etc) PRONUNCIATION I will say some examples and Ss will need to identify the stressed words intonations -What do you think? ----- information question -Do you Agree? –----- yes – no question and – which one is going up? which one is going down Think about the possible answer. I will say the sentence/expressions, Ss repeat (drilling) /d3/ sound that we produce in the pronunciation

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1)I will explain the next activity comparing ideas and agreeing / disagreeing Using their chart, Ss will come up with an idea of why they chose each job Demo: I think that Morgan will be a perfect teacher since she likes people. Do you agree? I'm not sure Maybe she should be.... 2)Ss will come up with their sentences about comparing ideas and agreeing / disagreeing in BORs 3 times if time allows] with different peers 3)OCFB

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

I will shows Ss different sentences they said (both correct and incorrect) I will asks Ss if they think the sentence is correct, if not, what would they change I will asks for pronunciation of words, Ss speak, I will elicit the correct form, Ss repeat (drilling)

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