Peter Peter

Compare and Contrast, adverbs with frequency, "to be" simple past
ninos 2 level


In this lesson students will learn how to compare and contrast animals but without using comparative adjectives. Then I will teach adverbs with frequency and lastly "to be" in the simple past.


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Main Aims

  • Grammar

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide a base vocabulary for animals and descriptive words for animals


Ice breaker (15-20 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T- teacher introduces himself and says where he is from, his age, his name, his favorite animal. T- then teacher has students write down where they are from, his age, his name and his favorite animal and has them introduce themselves to the class depending on how many students there are etc. T- points out differences and similarities between the students from their answers.

Exposure (30-45 minutes) • to introduce the students to the target language

T- has students draw as many animals as they can on a piece of paper T- ask students what they have drawn. T-draws a few of the options on the chalkboard. T- Describes the animals on the chalkboard using comparative and contrast language. T- has students describe their animals. T- has students compare and contrast their animals with a partner. T- has students make up an animal and have them describe it to their partner while they write it. Have students find out what their animals have in common. T- puts students in groups and has them describe a new animal to a partner while they draw it. T- has students show what they have drawn T- has students compare their imaginary animals.

Task (10-20 minutes) • review what just practiced

T- Go over the book with the students, unit 1.

Exposure (15-20 minutes) • Introduce students to a lesson with adverbs of frequency

T- ask students what they always, usually, sometimes, hardly even, or never eat T- describe what you eat always, usually, sometimes, hardly even, or never explaining each one T- have the students with a partner write what they always, usually, sometimes, hardly even, or never eat. T- use this opportunity to use the compare and contrast you taught in the unit before to reinforce the compare and contrast with their food taste.

Task (20-25 minutes) • To test the students understanding of the topic.

- Go through unit 2 in the book with the students.

Exposure (20-30 minutes) • Introduce to be simple past !!

T- ask students "How old were you last year ? What was your name last year? Where were you yesterday at this time? T- answer these questions for yourself T- use a timeline to describe the simple past with the verb to be.

Task (20-25 minutes) • review simple past to be

Go through the book Unit 3

Controlled Practice (20-25 minutes) • incorporate adverbs of frequency with to be past tense.

How often were you at the park last year ? How often are you hot and cold? Last night were you hot or cold when you slept last night? And other questions.

Review all three units (30-35 minutes) • To test comprehension of the students.

T- Review all three units with students

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