Laila Sokkar Laila Sokkar

Let's speak!
Intermediate level


Abc Reading text from Face2face Intermediate

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to read for gist and details in the context of top 10 reasons of happiness. Learners will understand the meaning, form and pronunciation of the word "intelligence" to facilitate the reading task.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Learners will be able to practice speaking to provide fluency in a corner activity in the context of reflecting on the reading text (top 10 reasons for happiness).


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context of the reading text and engage students while getting them to put on their English hats.

1- Show the students a picture of someone happy, elicit how he feels 2-In a piece of paper write 2 things that make you happy, collect the cards 3-let's guess who wrote the card

Pre-Reading (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible by unblocking challenging words.

1-show the students the picture of Einstein 2-let them describe him 3-elicit the word intelligent 4-ask for the noun 5-model and drill the full sentence using different drilling patterns 6-write the form on the board

While-Reading (reading for gist) (6-8 minutes) • To help students practice reading for gist skill which is needed in real-life situations for instance: skimming newspapers.

1-hang 2 copies of the reading text on the wall 2-divide the students into 2 groups 3-tell them that you will hand them a list of titles 4-give them time to read them 5-ask them to take turns, read one paragraph and come back to the paper to match the paragraph with its title. Help the students by giving them short time and a hint that the main idea is usually in the first or last line. Ask ICQs: -Are you going to read the whole page alone? No -Are you going to read quickly? Yes -Do you have to understand all the words? No 6-the team that finishes first says I am happy and they win 7-display the answers on the screen

While-Reading (reading for details/comprehensive reading) (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with a comprehensive reading task.

1-tell the students that they will read the 10 reasons again, but slower to answer the questions. 2-display the questions, demo the first one with them 3-distribute the questions 4-monitor and help weak students while answering 5-ask them to share their answers together 6-answer key at the back of the paper

Post-reading (Speaking)/follow-up task (10-13 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned through a speaking task to enhance their fluency.

1-hang tow copies of the text in two corners 2-divide the class into 2 groups 3-display two questions and demo the first one with a confident student 4-assign each pair to a corner and ask them tgo discuss the question and find something in common 5-teacher monitors, helps with ideas, upgrades the students' language, takes notes for feedback 6-students change corners 7-teacher monitors, writes some correct and incorrect sentences on the board 8-ask student to get back to their seats 9-content and linguistic feedback

Flexi-stage • to make students speak more and use the remaining minutes effectively

Change the questions written on the corners and ask them to speak again

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