Shay Koenig Shay Koenig

Functional lesson: Social norms
B1-B2 level


Abc Cutting Edge Sourcebook

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for giving advice on social norms.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of how meaning changes based on the collocation of adverbs when speaking about social norms.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Open the Google Jamboard to the first of two questions: "what are social norms?" Ask students the question and elicit responses. 2. After receiving some responses, proceed to the next slide. Show the definition of a social norm. Ask the second question: "What happens if you break a social norm?"

Text-work (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. Send students the Google Form. They will be listening to an audio and ticking boxes next to phrases they hear. These phrases all have to do with giving advice on social norms. 2. Play the audio. Elicit student responses. Play the audio again. 3. Show the answer onscreen of all the phrases they heard.

Language clarification (12-14 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: 1. Advance the slides. Instruct students that they will be working in pairs to figure out the meaning of these phrases. 2. Display the Google Form and advance it to the next screen, where students will be working on meaning. 3. Demo an answer for each of the two exercises. Check for understanding. 4. Divide students into groups. 5. After 5 minutes, return to the group and do OCFB on any challenging items. 6. Advance the slide and ask CCQs about the meaning of these phrases. Form: 7. Direct students' attention to the Google Form again and advance to the exercises on form. 8. Demo an answer for each of the two exercises. Check for understanding. 9. Divide students into pairs again to work on form. 10. After 5 minutes, return to the group. Do OCFB on any challenging items. Pronunciation: 11. Play the first short audio clip and ask students to help place emphasis. 12. Play the second short audio clip and do the same exercise. 13. On the next slide, show the attitudinal intonation. Appropriacy: 14. Advance the slide and quickly review the appropriacy of these items

Controlled Practice (9-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. Return to the Google Form and advance to the next screen. 2. Explain that students will now be using the phrases they've learned to write their own sentences about social norms in their culture. 3. When 3 minutes have passed, tell students that they will now share and check their responses in pairs. Check for understanding, then divide students into pairs. 4. When 4 minutes have passed, return to the group to do OCFB. 4 minutes to write 4 minutes to share in pairs 1 minutes OCFB

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. Advance the Jamboard 2. Instruct students that they will now be working in pairs to give their own advice on social norms. They will be answering the four questions onscreen and must use at least 4 of the new phrases. 3. Divide students into pairs. 4. After 8 minutes, return to the class for OCFB. 5. DEC

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