Salma Salma

Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students are going to read a text about independency and they are going to get exposed to new words and phrases which will be taught and practiced through speaking and book exercises. Moreover, students are supposed to complete the quiz that is put in the reading passage and check their scores.


Abc Headway pre-intermediate book

Main Aims

  • Reading and speaking

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary


Warmer/Lead-in (10-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Ask them have they ever eaten alone in a restaurant - Teach the phrases " to enjoy your own company", "to have a takeaway", "what's the point?" - Talk about independency - Ask about their experience and preferences - Teach the word family of the word "independent" - Ask them if they feel confident enough to act independently - Teach the word confident/ confidence - Teach collocations with the word dependency/ independency: emotionally dependent, financially independent, mentally independent, chemical dependency

Pre-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- Ask them to have a glance at the pictures on the reading passage and read the heading - Elicit information from them; ask them about the pictures - Talk about the birds

While-Reading (5-7 minutes) • To complete the independency quiz and to prepare the students for speaking task

- Explain the scoring system - Ask them students to read the text and complete the quiz and score write down their score (5mins) - Monitor them while you walk in the class.

Post-Reading (5-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to expand on what they've learned

- Ask them to check and compare their answers with their partner - Ask students to talk about the independency level of their partner

Controlled Practice (5-15 minutes) • To answer the vocabulary exercise

- Do the first exercise for them. Write it on the board - Ask the students to answer the rest with their peer. (5 mins) - Monitor them while you walk in the class. - Go through the questions. Ask for volunteers. If not, choose a student. - Ask for clarification. Make sure everyone has the right answer. - Ask the students to task turn in asking the meaning of the phrases from their peer (3 phases each student) (5 mins)

Semi-controlled practice (15-20 minutes) • To activate what learners have learned and practice speaking by making conversation with their peers

- Students will be asked to discuss the questions of "What do you think?" in pairs (6mins) - Conduct a whole-class discussion and ask others to give their opinion - For the last task, ask them to think of question(s) similar to what they read in the quiz and make a score system for it then pass it to another group to complete the quiz (10 mins)

Free Practice (10-13 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- Ask the students whether they think young Iranian people are generally dependent or independent. Ask them to raise their hand if they agree/ disagree - Students will be put in small groups of 3 to discuss this topic. (5 mins) - Ask them to express their opinion and give reasons for the way they think. - Start a whole-class discussion. Ask for opinions and ask others to participate.

Review (3-5 minutes) • check for clarification and give feedback

- Ask the students whether they have any questions and whether they liked this topic. - Make sure everything was clear.

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