roxana roxana

All about adjectives
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn to describe the people by using both normal and compound adjectives. The topic is about ADS. Some people posted some advertisements to grow their profession or to sell something they do not need anymore.


Abc team-Game

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Normal adjectives and compound adjectives in the context of Advertisement

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about Advertisement and a text that asks (what kind of a person are you) in the context of Advertisement and personality check quiz and puzzle


Warmer/Lead-in (15-20 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

first I will enter the class and say a loud hi to my students and ask them if they had a good day. then i will move to the book. i will say please everyone look at me . lets talk/// then i will ask the warm up questions. do you guys have any best friends what kind of a person she/he is? can you describe his/her personality ? how does she/he look like? whats your idea about her look? how about her behaviour ?

Exposure (15-20 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

One of the materials i do want to use to teach the adjectives better to the students is to prepare a game that make them to USE any adj comes to their mind to describe different things. In this game i as the teacher will pick a student and i will ask her/him to describe one of her classmates who is already present in the classroom, i want her to describe the way she/he looks and his/her personality . then i want other students to guess who the person is. This practical game will help the students 1. Memorize the Adj better 2. Get able to use the adj where its needed 3. improve her speaking skill

Start of the readings (15-0 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I will introduce the lesson quickly in a few seconds and then i want students to skim the text. then i will teach the grammar. after that students should to task 2. they should match the adjectives with the noun . they should relate them

Controlled Practice (10-15 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The students should do task 5 and fill the gaps. then i will play the audio and they will check if they did it correctly

2nd Controlled Practice (12-15 minutes) • pairwork

i want students to find adjectives in pair on the puzzle and then say it to their partner. then each of them should fill the quiz below the page and rate their personalities . they should write 'yes' if the question is fully right about them, 'no' if it totaly is the opossite their charecter and 'sometimes' if theyare usually right about her

Free Practice (8-20 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

i will talk to the students about the answers they had on the quiz and they can check the answer with their partner in the group. we will discuss about the topic for like 8-10 minutes then i will write or text their homework and after a short talk to ask did they enjoy the class today, i will say bye to them

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