Iman Batouty Iman Batouty

Vocabulary lesson about adjectives of feelings
Intermediate level


In this lesson ,students will learn a set of adjectives used to describe various feelings, and they will use them to speaking for fluency


Abc a song - HO# 1 , HO#2 , PPT ,White board , markers ,SB

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to use a set of adjectives to describe their feelings in a variety of real life situations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Meaningful fluency practice using the lexical set taught in the lesson.


Lead in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Show video clip—ask if they can guess what the song is about. 2. Ask if anyone has heard the song 3. Ask ss to discuss their ideas with a partner. 4. Ask the ss to share a few ideas—did they like the song? What’s it about?

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

1. Show the picture slide on the screen and hold up the HO#1. Ask the students what these words describe? (feelings/emotions) 2. Tell the ss to look at the pictures and match them with a word on the page. 3. Do the first one with them (tell them to call out the letter, not the word). 4. Tell them to just guess—it’s okay, they don’t need to get the right answers. 5. Monitor while they work

Useful Language (10-13 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

1- Introduce HO#2 and ask the students to read it and underline adj describing feelings. - Ask the students: - what are you going to do with the article? - What are you going to underline? adjectives -Adjectives describing what ? -Students compare answers in pairs and then discuss whether or not they would like to join laughter Club, giving reasons for their answers. a) Does "interested" mean feeling positive emotions and contentment? (Yes) b) Does "worried" mean feeling overwhelmed or under pressure? (Yes) c) Does "nervous" mean feeling worried or anxious? (Yes) d) Does "calm" mean feeling peaceful and relaxed? (Yes) - Model, drill, write on the board (mark phonology). 1. Interesting 2. Embarrassed 3. Relaxed 4. Fed up 5. Keen 6. Worried 7. Nervous . Mark which ones are positive and which are negative. (circle positive with one color/negative with another color) 3. Touch on form—what kinds of words are these? - Introduce HO#3. -Students do the exercises on their own or in pairs, then check answers with the class.

Free practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

-Put ss in pairs and have them each choose 4 adjectives to ask their partner about. Ask follow up questions, and provide details. - Do some open pair demo. Ask a ss to ask me a question about one of the adjectives….answer, and then ask another ss….and so on. - . Monitor and take notes for delayed error correction. -If time, have ss switch partners. -If time, use flexi. -Flexi: use adjective picture cards, put in two groups. Each ss draws a card and has to share a situation when they felt this way.

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