aroosha aroosha

The history of sandwich
Pre-intermediate level


In this lessen students are going to learn about the history of sandwiches and who invented them


Abc Student book

Main Aims

  • reading

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary and speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (15-20 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

at first I’m going to ask them about their favorite kind of food and we are going to talk about different types of food and after that I’m just gonna say what is my favorite type of food and then we will go on with the topic

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

at this point we are really talking about the topic but they don’t know it yet and I’m gonna pre-teach the vocabulary by using them in my conversations but I’m not going to talk too much because I want the STT to be more than TTT

Presentation (2-5 minutes) • To have a gist task to check their prediction and then listening for more details.

in this part I’m not really involved because I’m going to put students in a group or I’m going to give them pair work because I want them to work together and I’m not going to talk too much at this part because this part is about students understanding the topic by talking to each other

Clarification (5-10 minutes) • 10 Clarification To clarify the stress marks on important words.

Here I am going to clarify the stress marks for important words

Free Practice (5-7 minutes) • Reading the text for understanding

I am gonna give them a few minutes to read the text and after that i am going to ask them some questions so that I will know who read the text or not or if they understand any part of the text

Listening (10-12 minutes)

We will listen to the listening part pf the exercises

Reading question (5-10 minutes) • Writing and vocabulary

In this part Ss are going to read the reading and after that they are going to do the exercises of the text and i am going to check their answers but first they have to check them with their partners

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