Regina Corona Gala Regina Corona Gala

RC TP 4 Grammar
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will grammar based on a reading text about questions with like. The lesson starts with a small discussion about sentences that are true of false for students. This is followed by a reading text. Students read the text and select the appropriate answers. Then, they will get a list of questions to discover the TL. Then, they will analyse MAFP of questions with like with the teacher. After that, they will complete a controlled practice answering using the correct question for each sentence. Finally, students will have freer practice in asking and answering questions with like and take turns guessing the person in their class that his/her partner is describing. Then, they will have FB and DEC.


Abc See Attachments

Main Aims

  • At the end of the lesson Ss will have practiced and revised questions with “like” in the context of appearance, and practiced this in a controlled and freer practice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will practice speaking fluency. Students will analyse MAFP of grammar from the text.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context, activate schemata, and engage students

Set the lesson aims and context which is linked to the previous lesson and engage Ss. Build rapport with Ss. Plenary. Share your screen [Canva presentations] with Ss to the Google form in the chat box and have them give you a thumbs up if they can see your screen. Demo the activity. T: “I work very hard, I am beautiful.” Check the boxes. Have Ss check the sentences that are true for them, individually. Have them compare their answers in pairs and find how many of their answers are the same/different for them. Get students to discuss context in pairs/groups in BOR. Remind them to use complete sentences, model and help Ss when necessary. MONITOR ALL GROUPS. Then conduct brief class feedback. As a class go over the sentences and have them contrast which sentences are related to character and which ones are related to physical appearance. Link this stage to the next stage according to Ss’ information. Interaction pattern: Pairwork/group work/ OCFB.

Text Work (3-15 minutes) • To ask Ss to identify the TL.

Text work - READING Gist Enable screen sharing on Zoom for Ss. Share the link to a Google Site/Forms in the chat box with Ss. Introduce the target language using a short text, so Ss can see the target language in context. Set a short gist task. Have students get the general idea of the context first. Let students read individually. Check in pairs. Conduct class feedback. Share my screen and have students look at the picture. T: “You are going to read a conversation. You will answer 2 very simple questions. Please, give a thumbs up if you can see my screen.” Students either say yes or give thumbs up. T: “Read the text. Identify: who is talking? What are they talking about?” T: “Who is talking? S: “A man and a woman. They are co-workers.” T: “What are they talking about?” S: ”They are talking about the man’s girlfriend, Zoe.” State the directions for the activity. Inform Ss they will read a conversation. Have Ss read and do task 1 individually. Task 1 Read the text. Identify: Who is talking? What are they talking about? [3 minutes] Ask ICQs. “How much time do you have for this activity? How many questions do you have to answer? Are you working in pairs or individually? Do you have to focus on the general idea or on specific information? What do you have to do after you listen? Please, tell me, can you hear the audio? [Give me a thumbs up if you can hear it.]” Accept only reasonable answers such as “2 minutes. 2 questions. We are working individually. Identify who is talking and what they are talking about. The first activity is to answer the questions.” Clarify instructions as needed. Have Ss read individually and check their answers in pairs in breakout rooms [2 minutes] Monitor Ss in breakout rooms. Model pair checking. Ss will share their screen, compare/contrast answers, and highlight how they found the information to support their decision regarding the people and the topic of the conversation. Help as needed so Ss get the correct answer. OCFB [Open Class feedback] - Go over the answers as a class. Ss take turns sharing their answers with the whole class. Ask Ss questions that help them reflect on their decisions and support their choices using the text and/or correct their mistakes accordingly. Interaction pattern: Individual-pair work. OCFB.

MAFP Analysis (10-15 minutes) • To clarify and analyse the TL

Task 2 Read the text and answer the questions. First, Ss will identify 3 questions with the word “like” in them. [2 minutes] After, that they will answer 4 questions related to the meaning of those 3 questions. Meaning Share the link to a Google site in the chat box with Ss. Give Ss the task number 2 which is a list of questions that guide them to discover the rules of the target language. These questions are related to meaning and form of the target language. Clearly state the directions for task 2. Model the task and check for understanding [ICQs]. In pairs: Task 2: Look the questions and answer them. Google sites/forms ICQs: “What do you see?” How many questions do you see? How much time do you have for the activity? What is the first activity [S’s name]? Are you working in pairs or individually? Accept only reasonable answers such as “3 questions. 3 minutes. The first activity is to answer the questions.” Clarify instructions as needed. Have Ss work individually. Then, have them compare their answers in BOR. If there are few Ss; have them work and share their screen in the main session. Adapt as needed. Go over the answers as a class. Start the analysis of MSs. MEANING - Ask CCQs. 1. What’s she like? T: “Is this question asking about present or past?” S: “Present.” T: “Am I asking about someone I know or someone I don’t know?” S: “Someone you don’t know.” T: “Am I asking about her hobbies or about a general description of her?” S: “A general description.” T: “Am I asking about both physical appearance and character?” S: “Both, physical appearance and character.” 2. What does she like doing? T: “Is this question asking about present or past?” S: “Present.” T: “Do I know what her favourite hobby is? Why?” S: “No, because you don’t know her.” T: “Is this question okay to ask about her physical appearance?” S: “No.” T: “Is this question okay to ask about hobbies and interests?” S: “Yes.” 3. What does she look like? T: “Is this question asking about present or past?” S: “Present.” T: “Do I know her?” T: “Do I know ‘what colour is her hair?’” T: “Do I know how tall she is?” T: “Do I know what clothes she is wearing? ” T: “Is it ok to ask this question when I want to know ONLY about physical appearance? ” OCFB [Open Class feedback] - Go over the answers as a class. Ss take turns sharing their answers with the whole class. Ask Ss questions that help them reflect on their decisions and support their choices using the text and/or correct their mistakes accordingly. Interaction pattern: individual, pair work, OCFB. FORM Go to the CANVA Presentation Transition to the next activity and BREAK DOWN the structure. 1. What's she like? 2. What does she like doing? 3. What does she look like? Elicit the following: 1. What + verb to be in present + personal pronoun + like +? 2. What + auxiliary verb ‘does’ + personal pronoun + like + doing +? 3. What + auxiliary verb ‘does’ + personal pronoun + look + like +? Ask FCQs. T: ”What words is the first one?” S: “What” T: ”What word goes next?” S: “Verb TO BE in present” T: ”The next word is a_______?” S: “subject, personal pronoun” Elicit the complete structure of the questions. Ask FCQs T: “Can I add like before doing to ask for hobbies?” Ss: “Yes.” T: “Can I put an auxiliary verb to ask about a general description?” Ss: “No.” T: “When can I use an auxiliary verb and the words look like?” Ss: “To ask about physical appearance ONLY” T: “What do I do to ask for physical appearance?” S1: “Use the verb look + like.” : “What do I do to ask for hobbies/interests?” S1: “Use the second structure.” PRONUNCIATION After that, go over the sentences and model/demo pronunciation. Have Ss listen and identify what the stressed words are. Model, elicit, drill. Then, go over linking. Model, elicit, drill. After, go over contractions. Model, elicit, drill. Stress 1. What's she like? 2. What does she like doing? 3. What does she look like? Linking 1. What's she like? 2. What does she / like doing? 3. What does she / look like? Contractions 1. What's she like? 2. What does she like doing? 3. What does she look like? Drill and demo pronunciation in the most natural way possible. Demo pronunciation choral / individual as needed and help when necessary. Go over MAFP check Ss understanding of meaning, use CCQs, FCQs. Help when necessary; especially if S’s name need further support. Play the audio if necessary. Transition to the next activity. Interaction pattern: T - Whole class - Individual

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To help learners develop accuracy

Controlled practice - Task Have Ss to practice the target language in a controlled exercise. They will fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Task 2: Fill in the blanks and answer correctly. Individual work [3 minutes]. - Multiple choice exercise on Google forms. Ask ICQs. “How much time do you have for this activity? Are you working in pairs or individually? Do you have to focus on the general idea or detail? What do you have to do after you read?” Accept only reasonable answers such as “3 minutes. question. We are working individually. Fill in the blanks. The task is to answer correctly using one question.” Clarify instructions as needed. DEMO the first items in the exercise. Have Ss check their answers in pairs in breakout rooms [2 minutes]. Model if necessary. Ss will share their screen, compare/contrast answers, and highlight where they found information to support their decisions regarding their answers. Encourage them to use complete sentences. If there are few Ss have one of them share their screen and turn off your camera so they can discuss their answers. OCFB [Open Class feedback] - Go over the answers as a class. Ss take turns sharing their answers with the whole class. Help Ss find the correct answer if necessary. Ask Ss questions that help them reflect on their decisions and support their choices using the appropriate language and/or correct their mistakes accordingly. Help Ss when necessary and praise their efforts. Transition to the next activity. Interaction pattern: Individual-pair work- whole class. Give Ss instructions for the follow-up activity. They will interview each other. “In pairs, answer these questions:” “Choose a person in your class. Do not tell your partner who it is. Your partner will ask questions to guess the persons name? Use questions with “LIKE” Have Ss use the target language for the demo. For example: She is friendly and has long hair. She likes going camping. She is has blond hair. Ss will go to breakout rooms and answer the above-mentioned questions. Demo the activity, include visual aids for S’s name. Ask ICQs. “How much time do you have for this activity? Are you working in pairs or individually? What questions do you need to answer?” Accept only reasonable answers such as “ 5 minutes. Pairs. “What do you do?” “How do you feel?” “What do you do to get it back?”. Clarify instructions as needed. Send Ss to breakout rooms and monitor them all. Go to all breakout rooms and take notes. If it is not possible, have them take turns sharing their opinions and ideas in the main session. Interaction pattern: Pair work

Freer Practice (6-7 minutes) • To react to the content and develop fluency

Give Ss instructions for the follow-up activity. They will interview each other. “In pairs, answer these questions:” “Choose a person in your class. Do not tell your partner who it is. Your partner will ask questions to guess the persons name? Use questions with “LIKE” Have Ss use the target language for the demo. For example: She is friendly and has long hair. She likes going camping. She is has blond hair. Ss will go to breakout rooms and answer the above-mentioned questions. Demo the activity, include visual aids for S’s name. Ask ICQs. “How much time do you have for this activity? Are you working in pairs or individually? What questions do you need to answer?” Accept only reasonable answers such as “ 5 minutes. Pairs. “What's she like? What does she like doing?, What does she look like?. Clarify instructions as needed. Send Ss to breakout rooms and monitor them all. Go to all breakout rooms and take notes. If it is not possible, have them take turns sharing their opinions and ideas in the main session. Interaction pattern: Pair work

FB/DEC (6-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on the follow-up task and Delayed Error Correction

6. Feedback & DEC (7 min) To provide feedback on the follow-up task and Delayed Error Correction After that, have Ss share their ideas and opinions with their classmates. Share your screen and write make a note of the most interesting/important (3) mistakes Ss made during the follow-up. Have Ss look at the mistakes and discuss the corrections. Focus Ss attention on the mistakes and ask: “Is it correct to say ‘_____________’. Help them analyse the sentence/tense/part of speech. Elicit the correct answer, clarify, or modify as needed. Then, correct the mistakes. Ask Ss questions that help them reflect on their decisions and support their choices using the appropriate language and/or correct their mistakes accordingly. Filler: Ask Ss to reflect on today’s lesson. [If there’s time left in the lesson’] T: “What did you do today?” S2: “Practice plural and irregular plural.” T: “What did you learn today?” S1: [Answers may vary] T: “What did you enjoy the most today?” S3: [Answers may vary] Interaction pattern: T - Whole class

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