Laila Sokkar Laila Sokkar

comparitives and superlatives
Intermediate level


Abc Handouts adapted from Face2face

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, Ls will be able to understand the meaning, pronunciation, form of comparatives and superlatives in the context of choosing an apartment as well as practising the target language in controlled and freer practice individually and in pairs.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed listening practice as an exposure to comparatives and superlatives using a track about choosing an apartment.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context (using comparatives and superlatives in the context of buying a new home) engage students and get them to wear the English hat

1-make a circle 2-in your turn say an adjective 3-the one beside you says your adjective with a new one 4-each turn we add one more to the whole list or (in case we have a small number of students) Board race: 1-divide the board into 2 2-divide the students into 2 groups 3-make a line in front of your part and write as many adjectives as you can in 1 minute 4-check and for each correct adjective you take 1 point

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

-Show the students the picture of Ali and Sali -set the context (they are going to get married but they have a problem -looking for a new home -let's listen to them and answer the following question 1-display the task 2-demo the first question 3-allow students to answer the rest, share their answers, display the answer key

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of comparatives and superlatives

1- From the exposure ask the students about the the two houses 2-How did they compare them? 3-elicit the marker sentence: it is bigger than number 1 4-ask CCQs: Are they the same? No How many are they? 2 5-model and drill 6-highlight the form using matching activity

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1-tell the students that we are going to use the new form 2-display the controlled practice 3-demo the first one 4-make them share their answers 5-display the answer key

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1-give them survey 2-set instructions: answer the first column about yourself -ask a friend and fill the second column -write sentences comparing between both of you -ask a new friend and write sentences comparing between yourself and the other 2 3-demo with a strong student 4-monitor during the task, help the students, upgrade their language 5-content and linguistic feedback

Flexi-stage (2-5 minutes) • to make a good use of the extra time

-compare between these two places -using the following adjectives (expensive, spacious, private, etc) -give content and linguistic feedback

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