Marwa Eissa Marwa Eissa

Vocabulary and listening
Intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of adjjectived in the context of Chitdhood and upbringing

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about adjectives in the context of childhood and upbringing


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Display a PPT slide showin some words: ( family , TV programme . games and music) asking ss think and discuss in pairs of an example of each word that they can remember from their early childhood. then nominate to as if they found something in common.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Show a picture of Rafael and Mi-Sun/Emily, with a brief introduction mentioning that Rafael has a mixed Spanish and British background, while Mi-Sun is of Korean descent. Both of them attended the same school in London. Next, play an audio track for the students in which they need to listen carefully and select the items or details related to their childhood experiences. Allocate 3 minutes for this task. Afterward, let them check their answers with a partner. Finally, display the correct answers on the board.

Language Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of target language.

Start by displaying a picture of a young child and ask students some CCQS to elicit the word: Upbringing: 1- Is it the way in which a child is cared for? Yes 2-Is it the way in which a child is taught how to behave?Yes 3-Is it the parents responsibility?Yes Model and drill the sentence, then write it on the board showing the stress and highlighting which part of speech it is(noun) *Strict: 1-Is being strict means that you allow a lot of flexibility ? No 2-If a teacher is strict, does that mean that the students can come to class whenever they want? No 3- Does he allow breaking rules? No Model and drill chorally, in groups and individually. Write the sentence on the board, highlight the form(adjective ), showing the falling intonation of the sentence *Punished : 1- Is it a result or an outcome of having done something bad? Yes 2-When someone is punished are they usually rewarded for their behaviour? No *Ashamed: 1- Is feeling ashamed a happy or sad feeling? Sad 2- When you feel ashamed, is it usually because you did something wrong? Yes 3- Does feeling ashamed mean you're proud of your actions or disappointed in yourself? Disappointed Model and drill the sentence chorally, in groups and individually. write the sentence on the board, highlight the form( ashamed), showing the falling intonation of the sentence. * Respect: 1-Is showing respect a way to be polite to others? Yes 2-Do you usually show respect to people who are older than you? Yes 3-Is it okay to be rude to someone you want to show respect to? No Model, drill and then write the sentence and highlight the form (noun) *Praised 1-Does praising someone mean telling them they did something well or badly? well 2-If a teacher praised your artwork, would that mean they liked it or disliked it? liked Model, drill and then write the sentence and highlight the form (verb) *Criticise 1-Does criticizing something mean saying it's good or bad? bad 2-Is criticizing a way to show that you don't like something?don't like something Model, drill and then write the sentence and highlight the form (verb) * Confidence: 1-Does confidence mean you believe you can do things well? Yes 2-If you have confidence, do you think you can be successful?Yes 3-Is confidence about feeling good or bad about your abilities?good Model, drill and then write the sentence and highlight the form(noun)

controlled practice (5-8 minutes) • o help learners automatise the form of target language

Chest the handout and inform the students that they need to work in pairs to complete the sentences using the provided words. Allocate 5 minutes for this task. Then ask students to check in pairs then display the model answer.

Freer Practice (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with practice to get and speak more naturally and fluently.

Now its time to talk about your own upbringing In pairs discuss with your partner: How was your upbringing? Were your parents strict or flexible? In what ways? How will you bring up your children? Is this different from your upbringing? Display some prompts on the PPT to help students speak My parents were...... as they..... I'll praise and encourage my children, but .....

Feedback (3-5 minutes) • To give content and linguistic feedback

While monitoring I'll take notes then write two sentences on the board discussing them with the students asking if they found something interesting or shocking ?

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