Hasti Hasti

TP 3
elementary level


It is an article about living in space


Abc audio
Abc Picture

Main Aims

  • Reading

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening
  • Speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (15-17 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

At first I involve them into a game like playing with words so I write SPACE on the board then they should guess other words related to.(By this way I can pre-teach new words from the text " ISS / on board / supply ships / zero gravity / cathedral " ) Also using the photos related to SPACE & ISS during the game ; so ss can talk about their personal idea about the photos and living in space and discuss about more information. KEY Q : 1.what is your idea about living in space? 2.do you think it is possible one day human leave the earth and live in another planet? (PRE-TEACH the words ISS with photo and explain it completely)

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

After making ss more familiar with the topic, set a time limit for 2 min to read the introduction of the article. Then related to ex 2 do the true/false part with their partners then check with the class.(they should find out the reason of false sentences)

Controlled Practice (13-15 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Here I will ask them to "Think about everyday life for the astronauts on the ISS." (like ex 3) with class. ( PRE-TEACH Q: eat? "Tin" / Q: sleep? "Compartment") Then give them 3 min to read the rest of the text and discuss the main answer of Qs in pairs. Now I can ask some additional Qs such as "how they can eat in zero gravity?" / "do they prepare their own food?" / "do they work long hours?" / "what do they wear on board the station?"(encourage them more) to talk with the class.(ICQ) NOTE using present simple.

Highlighting (4-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

take a look at ex 5 "What is the future of the ISS?" to share the correct answer related to the text and also their own idea. ask ss that " Can you imagine yourself to be one of them?"

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • ex 6

in ex 6 , I give ss time to complete it with their partner and monitor them if they need help. then check the answer to the class. (NOTE I would do the first one for their practice "100 billion" and the part related to.)

Semi-Controlled Practice (13-15 minutes) • listening 10.8

ex 7 has a listening part , FIRST I want ss to take a look at the picture and ask them "where they think he is from?" so talk more about it ,So I play the audio ; Then PRE-TEACH some new word related to listening (write on the board JAXA & Roscomos to explain them for ss & also " Aeronautical engineer / to do a space walk / crew / commander ") .This time play it again to answer the Qs . And check in pair.

Free Practice (15-17 minutes) • Role-play

Here ss after completing ex 7 with their partners ; they should practice in pair as a reporter and an astronaut with the Qs and Answers that they have. Then I choose 2 volunteer groups to perform for the class. (I divide the Qs for each group)

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