roxana roxana

Describing The People
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn words to describe people's appearance. They will learn to use correct grammar to make sentences that describe the other person.


Abc Audio

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency
  • To provide clarification on new vocabularies

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening to audio to get familiar with new adj


Warm Up • To start introducing the lesson

I will start the lesson by asking the students questions related to the topic. i will start by asking if they have got any best friends in their life, if so, i want them to describe their best friends Appearance

Part 1

I will give some examples about my fictional friend and use this to pre-teach the new vocabulary to my students

Part 2

i want my students to look at the pictures and describe the 3 peoples Appearance then i will play the audio about Amy and Toby conversation about their friends Appearance Tom. Then after they learned the new vocabulary, i will give them a pairwork. i want them to talk to their partner and try to describe eachother using the new adj they just learned

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