Iman Batouty Iman Batouty

Speaking lesson
Intermediate level


In this lesson students are trained to speak fluently through an activity on the idea of likes and dislikes.Pre-teaching words are introduced then the students will be reading for gist.An open task is going to take place .Moreover i will prepare a flexi stage.


Abc ● PPT ● HO1 (Face To Face SB Intermediate) ● WB – Colored markers ● Blank sheets ● PC ● White boar

Main Aims

  • ● By the end of the lesson, the students will have been better able to speak for fluency in a discussion in the context of everyday activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • ● To provide reading for specific information practice using comments from internet forum about what people like and dislike in the context of everyday activities.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- Greet your students. 2- Display the slide and tell them about the activities l like and the ones I dislike. 3- Ask them to discuss what activities they like and dislike in pairs and why? 4- Content feedback – ask what does your partner like/dislike?

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To practice reading for gist.

1- Pre- teach the word commuting. 2- Set the reading task – You’re going to read some comments people posted on the internet; read and answer what does everyone like and dislike? ICQs: Are you going to read every single detail or search for likes and dislikes? 3- Distribute the HOs, and then let them check in pairs. Open class feedback. 4- Set the second reading task- Display the text on the screen; ask them: what does Michael dislike? How did he express that? Underline the answer with them. 5- Ask them to underline all words used to express likes and dislikes- monitor- peer check.

Useful Language (5-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language needed for speaking

1- Ask Ss what phrases are used for expressing likes/likes, use CCQs when needed. 2- Ask them to cover the paper and model, drill using back-chain and stick the cards for each one. 3- Use two different columns with two different colors and pictures of memes. 4- Substitutional drilling.

Preparation Task (5-7 minutes) • To scaffold the speaking and give ss a chance to be ready for it

1- Set task, open pairs. 2- Display the model and tell Ss that I’m really into folding clothes and organizing things, because I feel relaxed when I see I’m crazy about walking at nights, as the streets are less noisy; and the weather is just perfect. I can’t stand watching football on TV; my brothers made me hate it, as they’re watching ON sport 24/7. Traffic and bus drivers get on my nerves; it’s just dreadful to be stuck every day and waste your time commuting and listening to the drivers’ language. 3- Ask Ss How about you guys?, listen to some ideas. 4- Ask Ss to write down four activities; and how they feel about everyone. (Don’t write full sentences). Can you write more than four activities? Yes. Can you write less? No. Can you write any activities? Yes. Can you use 1 expression twice? No. Should you say the reason? Yes. 5- Monitor, and help when needed

Speaking (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice speaking for fluency

1- Ask them to work in groups and talk about likes and dislikes? 2- Monitor, and write down any errors. 3- Content feedback. 4- Error correction: write two good examples of their language on the board; praise them. Flexi stage: 1- Divide the Ss into pairs. 2- Ask them to talk about men and women’s likes and dislikes using the expressions

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