Reem Reem

elementary level


Abc Cutting Edge Elementary, p.66
Abc HO 1
Abc HO 2
Abc listening track
Abc pictures
Abc white board
Abc screen

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, the students will have been better able to speak for fluency in the context of important moments in our lives.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide skimming listening practice in the context of important moments in our lives.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

-Greet your Ss. -Display pictures about important moments in my life and talk about them. -Ask Ss. to talk in pairs about a special moment that happened to them and they couldn’t forget it. -Ask ICQs to check their understanding. ICQs : Are you going to talk in groups?No. Are you going to tell your partner about things that are happening now?No. -Elicit the answer from one of the Ss. and then ask all of them to talk in pairs and exchange ideas. -Get the feedback.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To practice gist listening sub-skills. To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening.

-Pre-teach the lexis that they will use through pictures and eliciting the words and their parts of speech.Words are( Interested in- Learned- Studied- Graduated- a Professional singer). -Clarify the MFP of the words through ECDW techniques. CCQs are: ( Do you want to do it most of the time? / Did you know sth. new? / Did read and understand every word carefully? / Did you finish your study at university? ). -Set the context of the listening task by introducing 2 pictures of Marlene who Is a professional singer, from Swansea in Wales . -Encourage ss. to know more about her life. -Display different pictures of Marlene in different moments in her life. -Ask ss. what can they see? -Elicit the answers from ss. -Ask ss. to listen to Marlene talking about her life and match the picture to the extract. -Set the task by giving instructions and ask ICQS to check their understanding. - ICQs; Are you using the boxes for true and false?No Are you matching the picture with the track?Yes -Demonstrate the 1st one with them. -Ask ss. to check in pairs. -Display the answer-key on the board.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

-Ask ss .''When did these events happen to Marlene?'' then elicit the answers from ss. -Draw on the board a time line to highlight that we are describing events in the past. -Remind ss. with past forms of some verbs. -Draw on the board a mind-map figure to elicit ways of describing important past events in our lives.For example (education, life, job, Interests and home). -Encourage ss. to give more prompts and write them on the board. -Ask ss. to read the useful language quickly and prepare themselves for the speaking task.

Productive Task(s) (12-15 minutes) • To scaffold the speaking and give ss a chance to be ready for it. To provide an opportunity to practice speaking for fluency.

-Ask ss., in 4 minutes and alone, to write 6 notes about important moments in their lives. -Tell ss they are going to interview each other. - Divide the class into A and B. -Ask Ss. to start expressing their ideas freely. -Monitor the ss. while they are speaking. -Assign 5 minutes for the first round. -Stop the activity and ask ss (b) to move to another peer. . -Assign 5 minutes for the second round.

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

-Ask ss. to talk about the interesting moments in their friends' lives. -Ask ss. to mention what things in common do they find with their friends? -Listen to their answers for a minute. -Write two good examples of their language on the board; praise them. -Write 2 or 3 (maybe more if time allows) faulty sentences on the board. Elicit and correct their errors.

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