aroosha aroosha

Annabel’s blog
Elementary level


In this lesson students, will talk about social media and the things they like about social media and the topic in general and after that they’re going to talk about influencers and bloggers and we’re going to do a little warm up and Q&A about the topic


Abc Student book

Main Aims

  • Reading

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading and speaking


Warmer/lead in (1-15 minutes) • Reading

I think I’m going to prepare one or two pictures just in case but I don’t think I’m really going to use it because the reading doesn’t really need it because it’s easy and they will understand everything so I think I’m just gonna talk about the topic and some words that I think are a little odd for them and use it in my conversation so that they will see how it is used in a sentence

Exposure-setting the context (5-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

So in here I’m going to get a little closer to the topic and we’re gonna talk a bit with more details like to text itself and I’m going to use the vocabulary more often and I think I’m gonna ask some question about the work out with around a topic with the quiz students I’m gonna really Increase STT more than TTT

Presentation (7-10 minutes) • To have a gist task to check their prediction and then listening for more details.

Here I’m going to provide the students to work with the group or work with their partners as a pair and I’m going to really get them to talk about the topic and I’m going to ask them some questions for example, about social media and I’m going to give them some examples to ask each other

Clarification (3-5 minutes) • To clarify the stress marks on important words.

Here I am going to clarify the stress marks for important words

Reading question (8-12 minutes) • Writing and vocabulary

In this part Ss are going to read the reading and after that they are going to do the exercises of the text and I’m going to check their answers but first they have to check them with their partners

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