Suheir Suheir

Elementary level


Abc PPT (teacher made)
Abc HO 2 (adapted from F2F)
Abc HO 1 (adapted from F2F)
Abc Matching game slip (PTV)
Abc White board + markers
Abc Audio track CD2. 26 (F2F)

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to improve their listening skills by listening for gist and for specific information in the context of the news and responding to them in a form of conversation.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will be able to enhance their fluency by speaking and responding to the recent news they share with each other in a conversation.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

1. Greet the students. 2. Show them a picture of a recent piece of news (Al Ahly vs UMSA) match. 3. Ask them what happened yesterday? (AL Ahly lost the match against UMS A). 4. How did you know? (We watched the match/ heard the news). 5. Respond: I haven't watched the match but I knew from the newspaper this morning. Do you read newspapers? or watch the news broadcasts? or listen to the radio to know the news? Discuss with your partner. 6. Open class content FB: SO, Mostafa how does Ali know about the news? Toaa, do you and Hatem watch the news on TV? Why?

Pre-listening (7-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the audio track and make it accessible.

PTV: 1. Ask the students to match the word with the correct picture in the matching slip on their own. (Monitor). 2. Pair check. (Monitor). 3. Feedback on the screen. 4. Teach the difficult words only (that you noticed while monitoring). 5. Use the board to write the new vocabulary with the correct form after checking their meaning and drilling them.

Listening Task #1 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist task.

1. (Prediction) Ask the students to look at the four pictures and try to guess what each news story is going to be about. (Let them look at the PPT for clearer pictures). 2. Give them time to think and ask them to share their thoughts. 3. Give them the HO. 4. Ask them to listen to the audio and write the number of each news story. 5. Demo with them no. 1 (Play the audio, stop it when no.1 is done, ask them to think which one is it, let them do a quick pair check, and then show them the answer). 6. Ask them to do the same with the rest of the news stories. (Monitor form far; it's listening!). 7. Pair check. 8. Feedback. AK: A. 3 B. 1 C. 4 D. 2

Listening Task #2 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with challenging listening for specific information task.

1. How many people were talking in the audio? (two). 2. One was telling the news and the other was...? (responding to them). 3. Were all the news bad? (No, some were good). 4. Ask students to read the two columns (the sentences 1-6 and the responses a- f). 5. Ask them then to underline the important words in the sentences column (that help them catch the info they are looking for) such as 13 million pounds, his dog, Florida, their boat and helicopter. 6. Tell them to match the sentence that speaker A says with the response of speaker B while listening. 7. Demo no.1: play the audio track and then stop it when 1 is done. (Let them do it alone first, pair check then show the FB on the screen). AK: 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.f 5.d 6.e

Post-listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned through a speaking task.

1. Divide students into two groups A and B. 2. Let A start asking questions about the news, and then B starts responding to the questions. (In pairs). 3. They can use the prompts on the screen. 4. They take turns. 5. Monitor. 6. Content FB: Hatem, did you hear any good news from your friend? Ehab, did you hear any bad news from your friend? Mahmoud, did your friend surprise you with any news? 7. Linguistic FB (on the board): - praise their correct language. - let them correct their faulty language.

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