amir moazzeni amir moazzeni

Ielts daily plan
Pre-Intermediate level


in this lesson students learn some adjectives related to personal qualities in the context of a message about a friend's roommate and will be able to use the adjectives to describe people.


Abc Slips
Abc Slides

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Personal quality adjectives in the context of chat with a friend about his new roommates

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about choosing a new roommate


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

In this stage, I will start with a simple question about their background knowledge related to roommates. do you like to live with alone or with someone else? How do you choose your roommate? then you give them 5 slips and ask them to rank what is important for them in a roommate. Instruction: (shows the slips) In pairs, Read the sentences on the cards. put them in order. which one is more important for choosing a roommate? model the activity for them ICQs: Are you going to do it alone or with your partner? Alone Are you going to write anything? No are you going to put them in order? Yes Which one is more important Number 1 or Number 5? 1 He keeps our room clean. He doesn't tell me lies. He goes to bed early. He isn't lazy. He isn't talkative.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

For this part, I will start with the blocking words that are in the text. the purpose is to teach them beforehand so that the students get the chance to use them for the reading task. the blocking words are Truthful, Moody, Messy, and arrogant. truthful: CCqs: does he tell lies? is he honest or dishonest? moody: CCqs: Can she control her feelings? Is she always happy? Messy: CCqs: Does she organize her room? Are her books on the floor or in the bookcase? arrogant: does he think he's always right or wrong? does he listen to other people's opinions? after the students learn each word's meaning, I drill them for a pronunciation check. as a ccq, if time allows I can ask about the people in the pictures, are they good or bad roommates? after that I'm going to introduce the context. i will start with an explanation. this is a chat between me and my friend. he recently moved to another city and has to choose a new roommate. i want you to read both of the chat boxes and in your pairs, discuss which one would you choose as your roommate and why? ICQs: are you going to do it alone? Are you going to choose you partner's roommate or your own roommate?

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

i am going to highlight the adjectives related to personal qualities, and ask the students these questions: are they nouns? are they verbs? what do they do in a sentence? where do they come?

Clarification (3-4 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

In the last part, i start by eliciting the use of adjectives? They are used to describe what? people? nouns? can they describe a man? / Can they describe a car? can we say this is a red car? / can we say Mohammad is a lazy man? what about Mohammad is lazy?

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