Marwa Marwa

Negative Past Simple Form
elementary level


In this lesson Ss learn about negative past simple form (weren't/wasn't/didn't) through guided discovery based on reading about Google company.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Negative and yes / no Past Simple form in the context of Google it! SB P 48

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Past Simple Form


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1-Greet your students, 2-Display 2 pictures of two products to two different companies (Pepsi/Coca-Cola) 3-Ask ss a) Which one do you like more ? Do you know any information about their companies ? 4- Display some simple information which have negative past simple form.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

1-Set the reading task: ‘You will read a paragraph about Google company in the past . Then underline as many negative verbs as possible . 2-Chest the handout and 3-Ask these ICQs: Do you need to read each word ? No What do you want to find ? negative verbs

Task (3-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1-Set the reading task: ‘You will read two sentences. Then complete the rules with words from the sentences 2-Chest the handout and model the first one with them 3-Ask these ICQs: How many sentences do you have? two Where do you find the missing word ? in the two sentences - Ss discuss the answer in pairs. then check their answers from the answers key.

Language Analysis (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

Introduce the difficult MPF of the past simple negative and yes / no questions : -Search engines weren’t very good. -They didn’t like each other at first. 1- Is the action in the past ? yes 2- Is the action finished? yes 3- Is there any connection with the present ? no -Make yes /no question: Give ss 5-10 seconds to think then model it twice first, then drill it. Finally write it on the board 1-Search engines weren’t very good. -Were search engines very good? Were/Was + subject + adj? 2-They didn’t like each other at first. Did they like each other at first ? Did + subject + verb base form +

Language Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

1- set the task : tell ss they will write yes/no questions using (you ) individually then model the first one with them. 2-Chest the handout and tell ss that the questions are in order. 3- check in pairs then answers key. Task 2 tell ss they will ask other students in their group the questions to find one person who did each thing, ask follow questions . I model some following questions with them and display on the board. Ask other Students your questions .Find one person who did each thing ask follow questions : What did you buy last weekend? What’s the name of the book? What did you watch on DVD? With whom did you go to the cinema? What did you have for dinner? Task 3 Ask SS to tell the class two things about the people you talked to: model one with them Marwa read a book last month. She read a comic book. -Get content feedback by asking ss about their partner

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