Christopher McNeill Christopher McNeill

Favorite kids show speech
2年生 level


In this lesson students will give a speech about their favorite kids' TV show or movie and the lessons that they learned from it.


Abc worksheet

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a speech or presentation in the context of favorite kids's stories

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about chess in the context of a children's cartoon
  • To provide process writing practice of a presentation in the context of favorite kids's stories


lead in (4-5 minutes) • brainstorm kids' shows or movies

Place the students into groups and have them make a list of some TV shows or movies that they remember.

Listening for gist (5-7 minutes) • To get a brief understanding of the content

First, show students the slide of the "Bluey intro so they can become familiar with the character names. (Mum, Dad, Bingo and Bluey.) Then have students look at gist questions 1-3 and confirm they understand the meaning of the questions. Tell students the name of the episode is "CHEST" and elicit some predictions of potential answers. Play the video once and have students share their answers then perform a class check using the next slides. CCQs "Does finish mean stop?" "No" "Does finish mean play until the end? "Yes"

Listening for Detail (6-8 minutes) • To listen for some details of what the characters say

Direct students to the multiple choice questions and play the video one more time. Again have the students check their answers and perform a class check using the slides. CCQs "Does smart mean people who look good or are intelligent?" "intelligent"

Post listening (5-7 minutes) • To allow students to understand the point of the story

Have students look at the sentence at the end "Work on their heads later. For now... just hearts." Put students into pairs and small groups and allow them to discuss their interpretation of the sentence. Students will probably only speak Japanese but while monitoring ask some CCQs to allow for guided discovery. "Does Dad want the kids to play chess" "Yes" "Does Dad want the kids to be smart?" "Yes" "Are the kids too young to understand chess?" "Yes" "Does Mum think being smart is important?" "No" "Does Mum think love is important?" "Yes"

Guided Practice (8-10 minutes) • To allow students to see that many children's stories have a moral.

Have students work in pairs or groups to think about the stories that are included and what the lesson or moral of the story is. Students may be unfamiliar with some of the stories so use some CCQs to clarify with them. Some vocab may also be difficult.

Wrap up (3-5 minutes) • Explain the Presentation Task

Let students know that they will be writing and preparing a small group presentation on a story of their choosing. Give them a few minutes to discuss and let them know that they'll need to be ready before the next lesson

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