Alex Johnston Alex Johnston

Listening Lesson Plan - TP 1 Saturday 16 September
Upper-intermediate level


Aims: To provide listening practice for gist and specific information in the context of responsibility


Abc Navigate C1 Advanced Coursebook

Main Aims

  • To provide listening practice for gist and specific information in the context of responsibility

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss opportunity to learn challenging vocabulary, practicing meaning, form and pronunciation.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • Have students prepared for the lesson and understand the focus will be responsibility

Ask students introductory questions. Ask specific students the question. 1. When do you think a child should first learn about responsibility? 2. In what part of your life do you feel you have the most responsibility? Ask one students to ask another student each of the questions.

Pre-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the audio and make it accessible

Share challenging words/phrases from the audio recording. Supplement with additional useful responsibility related lexis from the course book. Send students to break-out rooms and ask them to answer. Read the following texts and decide which one can have a key word on responsibility replaced with “own—up” 1. He made a big mistake. He needs to take responsibility and tell the boss. 2. There is limited time and we need to complete this task. I ought to work extra-hours tonight. 3. I’m leaving tomorrow but I haven’t bought my plane ticket yet. I should get organized and buy it. 2. Take care of “We’d like you to take care of the Miller Account from now on” Replace take care of with an appropriate alternative: A) Close B) be responsible for C) be the main man 4. Vote of confidence “Thanks, it’s a real vote of confidence!” Identify the language form of “of confidence” in this sentence. A) Noun modifier B) Attributive adjective C) Appositive adjective Pronunciation of “Confidence” - how many syllables? Where is the emphasis? (3 syllables, “con”) Ask students individually to present their answers when back from breakout rooms.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

Activity 4.1 - SB Ask students to listen to audio 4.1. Provide link 2 minutes to listen. Then send to breakout rooms to discuss: 1) Who is speaking and who they are speaking to? 2) Where are the conversations taking place? Students should discuss with partners and bring answers for each audio back to the class. Open class feedback follows to confirm students understood the gist of the audio.

Listening for detail (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Ask students to listen to the audio again (2min). Share the following questions with them (on jamboard): 1) in recording 1 there are two speakers. Who do they each believe should be held responsible for the photocopier not working? (A: One of them believes that its Michael’s fault, the other believes no one should be held responsible because the machine is so old) 2) True, or false, Maria is responsible for organizing trips? (A: False, she is responsible for registering students for social activities) 3) True, or false, Scott has to report to Melanie, because she takes care of it. Which one of the three phrases could replace “take care of” in the last audio clip? A) To admit you are responsible for something wrong or bad. B) Trust someone to do something. C) Be responsible for/deal with a situation or task. Students check answers in pairs. Check instructions are understood.

Post-Reading/Listening (5-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

As a class, have students respond to questions related to the audio clips: 1. Do you think it is easy to always know who is responsible foe certain tasks, or who is responsible for errors? 2. Should someone always admit when they are responsible for doing something wrong? 3. In which audio clip do you think the speaker(s) did the best at describing what needs to or should be done? List vocabulary used by students. Note any errors for DEC.

Delayed Error feedback and wrap-up (3-3 minutes) • Make students aware of errors in practical skills use and reflect on lesson

- Note any errors as written on the jamboard - Note some other key words for responsibility: - Need to - Better - Ought to - Should

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