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Writing Lesson Plan - How to Produce Writing
B2 Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn the fundamentals of writing.


Abc Peer Review Checklist
Abc Rubric

Main Aims

  • To understand the fundamental elements of effective writing

Subsidiary Aims

  • To analyze and exploit writing rubrics to improve their writing.
  • To apply writing principles to produce well-structured paragraphs.


Warmer/Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T defines the term "writing process" and explains that writing involves multiple stages, including prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading.

Elements of Effective Writing (8-10 minutes) • To provide the fundamentals for effective writing.

T lists the key elements of effective writing: clarity, organization, and vocabulary on the whiteboard and asks Ss to discuss what each element entails.

Writing Prompt (10-12 minutes) • To pre-assess students' current writing skills.

T provides a simple writing prompt related to a familiar topic (e.g., "Describe your favorite place to relax") and asks Ss to write a short paragraph in response to the prompt individually.

Productive Task(s) (12-14 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T puts Ss in pairs and asks each pair to exchange papers. Then, T distributes a "Peer Review Checklist" to each pair and instructs each pair to review and provide constructive feedback on their partner's paragraph.

Group Discussion (12-14 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production.

T conducts a class discussion on the peer review process and asks Ss to share their feedback and observations. Then, T highlights the common strengths and weaknesses in the paragraphs reviewed.

Introduction to Rubric (8-10 minutes) • To introduce rubrics to evaluate written product.

T explains what a rubric is and how it is used to assess writing and distributes a sample writing rubric with criteria related to clarity, organization, and vocabulary.

Self-Assessment (5-6 minutes) • To encourage students to identify areas where they excelled and areas needing improvement.

T asks students to self-assess their own paragraphs using the provided rubric.

Peer Review with a Rubric (13-14 minutes) • To improve students' ability to assess a written product.

T puts Ss in pairs again and has them exchange papers. Then, T instructs Ss to use the rubric as a guide to provide feedback on their partner's paragraph. Finally, T initiates a class discussion to explore the common errors and gives feedback.

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