Melissa Melissa

TP 4
Intermediate level


To introduce and practice future forms


Main Aims

  • that students will learn the basic structure of future forms: will + be going to in the context of zero waste and recycling culture.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening and reading


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students will be introduced to the topic of the lesson and be instructed to have a discussion about it with their peers. For this, they will be divided into groups and into break-out rooms, so once they finished they can have an open discussion for the class.

Context (3-5 minutes) • To provide a context of the target language

Students will be contextualized about future forms by a listening activity where they will have to listen to an audio and then try to fill in the blanks of a text. For this, students will be working individually and then share their answers with the class.

Clarification (10-20 minutes) • To teach meaning, form and pronunciation of the target lesson to students

Meaning: Students will be instructed to read a list of different uses of the future form and then match them with the correct one (will or going to). In this way, they will learn what are the functions of the target language. For this, they will work in groups and be divided into break-out rooms, to then receive feedback. Time: 4 min task 3 min FB Form: Students will be instructed to read to look at a board and look at the different structures of the future form placed there. Then they will be asked to choose which of the different examples belong to each structure. For this, they will work in groups and be divided into break-out rooms to then receive feedback from the teacher. Time 4 min task 3 min FB Pronunciation: Students will be shown 4 different sentences so they can learn where the stress, intonation, and sounds are. For this, the teacher will read each sentence to give an example and then nominate different students to answer. Time: 5 min

Control practice (4-6 minutes) • To provide a controlled practice of the target language

Students will be instructed to read different sentences and fill in the blank with a future form seen during the lesson. For this, they will work individually and then share their answers with the whole class to receive feedback from the teacher

Free practice (3-5 minutes) • To create a communicative task for learners to use the language fluently.

For this task, students will be asked to have a speaking activity where they will express fluently the topic of the lesson by answering two questions about it. For this, they will be divided into break-out rooms and then share their opinion with their peers.

Feedback and error correction (3-5 minutes) • To conduct feedback on the tasks by clarifying their questions

In this task, the teacher will give feedback to the students about the things that could be improved. For this students can ask questions and manifest their doubts about the lesson.

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