Claudete Silva Ruas Claudete Silva Ruas



In this lesson, students will reflect on one’s learning and identify areas that need improvement.


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Main Aims

  • SELF-ASSESSMENT- Learning Objectives: reflect on one’s learning; identify areas that need improvement

Subsidiary Aims

  • Learning Objectives: reflect on one’s learning and identify areas that need improvement
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of demonstrate one’s ability to introduce oneself and another person and to say hello and good-bye
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of demonstrate one’s ability to exchange personal information; demonstrate one’s ability to use numbers 0–10
  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about demonstrate one’s ability to listen for and understand names of personal items
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of : demonstrate one’s ability to ask and answer questions about where things are
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of : demonstrate one’s ability to ask and answer questions about where things are


SELF-ASSESSMENT (5-5 minutes) • Learning Objectives: reflect on one’s learning; identify areas that need improvement

• Ask: “What did you learn in Units 1 and 2?” Elicit Ss’ answers. • Ss complete the Self-assessment. Explain to Ss that this is not a test; it is a way for them to evaluate what they’ve learned and identify areas where they need additional practice. Encourage them to be honest, and point out they will not get a bad grade if they check (✓) A little. • Ss move on to the Progress check exercises. You can have Ss complete them in class or for homework, using one of these techniques: 1. Ask Ss to complete all the exercises. 2. Ask Ss: “What do you need to practice?” Then assign exercises based on their answers. 3. Ask Ss to choose and complete exercises based on their Self-assessment.

SPEAKING - 1 (8-10 minutes) • Learning Objectives: demonstrate one’s ability to introduce oneself and another person and to say hello and good-bye

A • Explain the task. Focus Ss’ attention on the conversation. • Read the sentences and questions in the box aloud.Ss listen and repeat. • Ss complete the conversation individually. • Ss compare answers in pairs. Then elicit the correctanswers from the class. • Option: Ss practice the conversation in pairs. Answers Francisco: Hi. How are you? / Nicole: I’m fine, thanks. How about you? /Francisco: Pretty good, thanks. My name is Francisco Diaz. / Nicole: And I’m Nicole White. / Francisco: It’s nice to meet you, Nicole. / Nicole: Nice to meet you, too. Oh, are you in my English class? / Francisco: Yes, I am. / Nicole: Well, have a good day. / Francisco: See you in class. B Pair work • Explain the task. Then model the example sentences. • Model the introduction with two Ss, using your name. • Ss complete the task in pairs. Then each pair joins another pair and introduces each other. Go around the class and encourage Ss to look at each other when they speak. • Continue until all Ss meet each other. TIP If you don’t have enough class time for the speaking activities, assign each S a speaking partner. Then have Ss complete the activities with their partners for homework.

SPEAKING - 2 (8-10 minutes) • Learning Objectives: demonstrate one’s ability to exchange personal information; demonstrate one’s ability to use numbers 0–10

Class Activity • Explain the task and model the example conversation with a S. • Each S writes his or her phone number on a piece of paper. Go around the class and give help as needed. • Model the task. Ask three Ss to put their papers in a bag. Take a paper from the bag and ask the different Ss: “Is your phone number . . . ?” When a S says: “Yes, it is,” ask: “How do you spell your name?” Then pretend to write the S’s name on the paper. • Collect the papers from all the Ss and put them in a bag. • Each S takes a paper from the bag. Then Ss go around the class and complete the task. When they make a match, they write the S’s name and sit down. • Option: Elicit names and phone numbers from the class.

LISTENING (6-8 minutes) • Learning Objective: demonstrate one’s ability to listen for and understand names of personal items

[CD 1, Track 29] • Explain the task and focus Ss’ attention on the pictures. • Play the audio program once or twice. Ss complete the task individually. Audio script 1. Man What’s this? / Woman It’s a purse. 2. Woman What’s this?/ Man It’s a cell phone. 3. Man What are these? / Woman They’re cell phones. 4. Woman What’s this? / Man It’s a wallet. 5. Man What are these? / Woman They’re purses. 6. Woman What are these? / Man They’re wallets. • To check answers, ask: “What’s (number 1)?” Ask different Ss to answer. If needed, play the audio program again. Answers : 2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 6

SPEAKING - 3 (6-8 minutes) • Learning Objective: demonstrate one’s ability to ask and answer questions about where things are

A • Explain the task and focus Ss’ attention on the picture. Ask a S to model the example sentence. / Point out that each sentence should have the verb be and a preposition. • Ss complete the task individually. Go around the class and help with vocabulary as needed (e.g., wall, window ). • Ss compare their lists in pairs. They take turns reading their sentences aloud. Go around the class and help with pronunciation as needed. Possible answers The chair is on the desk. / The cell phone is under the desk. / The backpack/The bag is in the wastebasket. / umbrella is behind the picture. / The chairs are under the table. / The newspaper is on the wall. / The television is on/in front of the window. / The clock is in front of the television. / The television is behind the clock. / The laptop is on the clock. / The air conditioner is on the table. B Pair work • Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the example conversation. Then Ss complete the task in pairs. Go around the class and check Ss’ use of grammar.

SPEAKING - 4 (6-8 minutes) • Learning Objective: demonstrate one’s ability to ask and answer questions about where things are

• Explain the first part of the task. Ask a S the first example question, and elicit the answer. (Answer: No, it isn’t.) Ask a different S the second example question and elicit the answer. (Answer: Yes, it is.) • Ss complete the first part of the task individually. Go around the class and make sure Ss write three questions with “yes” answers and two questions with “no” answers. • Explain the second part of the task. Ss take turns asking and answering the questions. Go around the class and check Ss’ use of grammar.

WHAT’S NEXT? (8-10 minutes) • Learning Objective: become more involved in one’s learning

• Focus Ss’ attention on the Self-assessment again. Ask: “How well can you do these things now?” • Ask Ss to underline one thing they need to review. Ask: “What did you underline? How can you review it?” • If needed, plan additional instruction, activities, or reviews based on Ss’ answers.

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