Socializing ,reading and vocabulary.
Intermediate level
Main Aims
By the end of this lesson students will have been better able to use the skills of reading for gist and specific information in the context of The great international nights going out.
Subsidiary Aims
To improve the students vocabulary related to going out and social activities as well as their ability to understand and interpret an article in the context of international nights.
Procedure (45-55 minutes)
1- Greet the students. 2- Present a PPT of different photos about going out to do different things in order to introduce the lesson smoothly to the students. 3-Ask CCQs to make sure that the students understand different vocabulary concerning going out such as:( go for a pizza , go dancing, go to a karaoke bar etc). a- can you go to a karaoke bar to watch a movie? ( No) b- Do you go to the cinema to dance? (No) c- Can you go for a walk in a shopping mall? ( yes) 4- Ask one or two students to tell the class what they did when they went out recently? 5- Distribute HO#1 and demo. 6- Ask the learners to work in groups to discuss the questions before reporting back to the whole class. 7- Monitor then provide feedback.
1- Introduce the difficult words in the reading through a PPT such as: a- Banned (V) /bænd/ : Awlad haretna a novel by Naguib Mahfouz was prohibited .Model and drill. b- Ingredients (N)/ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ : a component of substance used in the preparation of food , like flour. Model and drill. C- Applaud (V)/əˈplɔːd/ : to show approval or praise by clapping hands. Model and drill. d-Unwind (V)/ʌnˈwaɪnd/ : to relax like when you take a break.Model and drill. e- Tone deaf (adj)/təʊn dɛf/: having difficulty in recognizing or reproducing musical tones.Model and drill. f- A crase( N) /kreɪz/: a short-lived popular trend or fashion .Model and drill. 2-CCQs to reinforce the meaning -If a book is banned can you find it easily in the libraries? ( No) - Can you name some ingredients used in cooking?( sugar ,salt, etc.) - Is applauding a way to show that you are happy or sad? ( happy) - Can you tell us about an activity that helps you to unwind? ( reading a book - taking a bath etc.)
1- Introduce the first part of the reading article by displaying it on the board. 2- Distribute HO#2 which consist of questions A&B and demo for exercise (A) and monitor. 3- In exercise (A) ask the students to work individually to predict which activities from exercises 1 it will be about. -Students quickly scan the text - just the introduction-in the top left corner- to see if they are right. 4- Swamp the sheets for correction. 5-Provide them with the feedback on the board . 6- Introduce Exercise (B) and demo and ask them to work individually first .Monitor 7- Divide them to two groups to compare their answers. 8- Feedback provided on a paper sticked on the back of their chairs.
-Introduce the 2nd part of the article. - Distribute HO#3 , ask them to work in pairs - Provide a demo and monitor. - They will read the article and fill in the gaps. -They will swamp the papers and check the answers . - Feedback displayed on the board.
- Introduce the activities on the PPT. - Distribute HO#4 and demo. - Divide the class to two groups. -Monitor to supply them with any vocabulary they needed. -Ask the two groups to share their ideas together. -Collect positive and negative points they say in context or linguistically and write them on the board. - Provide a feedback.