Lorena Lorena

Copy of writing a review about a tv series
upper intermediate level


In this lesson the students are expected to write a review about their favorite tv series.


Main Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a review in the context of a popular television series

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about reviews and criticism vocabulary in the context of television series review
  • To provide speaking and discussion about television series types, and make comments about the reviews written during the class.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss are given a reading text, a review about a once very popular tv series "The magnificent century) After skim reading for 2 min. the students are asked to guess what it is about and what the lesson will be about in this class.

Pre-writing (Detailed Reading) (8-10 minutes) • To make the students figure out how a review is written.

The ss are asked to read the text again and note down the items the review has. (5 min.) Wc discussion regarding review fields (ex. setting, characters, storyline, the writers own opinions about the series.) The items are written on the board for w/c to see, brainstorming type- not erased.

What kind of tv series? (speaking) (4-6 minutes) • To provide brainstorming wc about tv series types and their favorite ones.

The Ss are asked to brainstorm about tv series genres. They will learn new vocabulary here regarding tv series. This will prepare to the main aim, writing task.

Writing a review. (creative writing) (15-18 minutes) • to provide an opportunity for the Ss to write a review about their favorite tv series

The S-s are put into groups. They are asked to start writing a review about a popular tv series. Every 5 min. the Ss are asked to swap the paper they are writing on, so that they can continue writing what the person sitting on their right has started. After 2 swaps, each S must have written on 3 different reviews, at first starting, then writing the main body, then concluding. Once the time is up, wc fb regarding how the activity was and questions about how their original start turned out to be.

Read and correct what you started. (8-10 minutes) • To provide Ss reading activity and enable them to make error corrections.

The Ss will read what they originally started working on. They will habe 5 min. to correct and review their friends work. Wc feedback as to what makes a successful review.

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