Reem Reem

Grammar verb to Be in past form (were/was)
elementary level


Abc Face2face- elementary -A2 p.40/41
Abc HO 1
Abc HO 2
Abc listening track
Abc pictures
Abc smart board
Abc white board
Abc HO 3

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to identify the meaning, pronunciation and form of ''verb to Be in 2nd form” in affirmative and interrogative forms to describe past actions in the context of birthdays.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide listening practice for gist and specific information using verb to be in 2nd form (was/were) referring to past actions.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Greet your Ss. -Display a picture about a birthday party. -Ask Ss. what do you do in birthdays? -Elicit the answer from one of the Ss. and then ask all of them to talk in pairs and exchange ideas in one minute. -Get the feedback. -Display a picture B from Face2Face elementary Sb.p.41. -Ask ss. What do you think is happening? -When did that happen? -Elicit the answers from ss.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through an audio and to practice gist and detailed listening sub-skills -

Pre-teach the lexis that they will use through pictures and eliciting the words and their parts of speech.Words are (grandparents-New Year's Eve- the world cup- born....) -Set the context of the listening task by introducing a picture of the main characters in the conversation. -Set the task in HO1 by giving instructions and ask ICQS to check their understanding. ICQs are:- Are you going to answer these questions about your last birthday?-No -Are you answering the questions individually after listening to the audio?-Yes -Demonstrate the 1st question with the Ss. -Ask ss. to check in pairs. -Display the answer-key on the board. -Ask Ss. for any challenging questions to clarify them.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language and provide controlled oral practice and drilling.

-Ask ss. to listen again to extracted sentences from the audio and say it loudly. -write the marker sentences of board :was it a big party? yes,it was where were you on your 13th birthday party? I was in Liverpool with my parents. -Highlight the meaning of the sentences as they refer to past actions. -Ask CCQs to check their understanding. CCQs are:Are we using was/were in present tense?-No Are was/were forms of verb to be but in past tense?-Yes -Model and drill the sentences chorally, as groups and individually many times. -Engage ss. in highlighting the form of affirmative and interrogative sentences. -Highlight the phonological features and intonation of the sentences.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check understanding of the meaning/use and prepare students for more meaningful practice.

Ask ss. individually and in 5 minutes to use the words to form questions with ‘’You’’ in HO2. -Ask ICQs to check their understanding. ICQs are: Are you going to use these words to form sentences or questions?-questions Are you forming questions with you?-yes -Demonstrate the 1st sentence with the students -Monitor ss. while answering the task and help them if needed. -Ask ss, to check their answers in pairs. -Display the answer-key on board. -Ask ss. about the challenging questions they faced and clear any difficulties.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-Set the task by telling ss. they are going to interview each other in 8 minutes using the set of questions from the controlled practice and they have to fill a table with the answers. -Ask ICQs to check their understanding. ICQs are: Are you going to ask your friend these questions?-Yes Are you going to check if both of you do the same thing or not?-Yes Are you going to use was/ were in the questions and the answers?-Yes -Demo the task with one of the ss. -Monitor and help ss. if needed. -Give ss. content and linguistic feedback and praise their good sentences and ask them to find the mistakes in the incorrect ones.

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