Marwa Eissa Marwa Eissa

Listening and Speaking
Elementary level


Abc powerpoint presentation, Face 2 Face ,elementary (Face 2 Face ,elementary 2nd edition ,Cambridge Uni

Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about Conversation in the context of birthday present

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of birthday present


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will begin the lesson with a warm-up activity—a ball game. I'll ask all the students to stand in a circle while hold the ball. To start, I'll share that my birthday is in March and then pass the ball to the student next to me. That student will share their birthday before passing the ball to another friend, and so on. This way, we'll create an engaging and interactive way to learn more about each other's birthdays.

Exposure (10-12 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening/Speaking

1- Set the task 2- you’re going to put the months in the correct order. 3-Ask the ss to work in Pairs and check in pairs 4- Monitor and provide the correct answer. 5-Display the PPT slide showing the activity that they are going to do. 6-Match the number with the word. 7-Demonstrate the first one 8-Ask them to work in pairs 9-Monitor and provide feedback. Introduce the difficult words in the listening: *Birthday (n): Display a picture in the PPT​ I will tell students that I was born On 23rd of March and that's my ...... Model it twice, drill chorally , in groups and individually. Then write it on the board showing the stress. *Present(n) : Display a picture in the PPT asking ss what do you think is this? Give them 8 seconds to think about it. Model it twice, drill chorally , in groups and individually. Then write it on the board showing the stress. DVD(n): Display a picture in the PPT asking ss what do you think is this? Give them 8 seconds to think about it. Model it twice, drill chorally , in groups and individually. Then write it on the board. 11-Show the PowerPoint presentation,You are going to listen to 2 people talking about a birthday present. 12-Ask these ICQs: - How many people are you listening to? Two - What are they talking about ?birthday present. 13- Distribute the handout asking them to choose the correct answer they are supposed to work individually. 14-Pause and check their answers (this is a demonstration to confirm they understood your instructions). 15- check in pairs and nominate for feedback.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Model the two sentences three times. (What shall we get her?) (What about....?) Drill it chorally, in groups and individually. write it in the board and show the stress. 1-Set the task (you will read and fill in the gaps) 2-Demonstrate the first one with them 3- Ask students to work in pairs. 4- Check in pairs and provide the model answer.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Return back to Louise and Chris's picture in the PPT. Point to Louise and say It's Louise's birthday next week, Marcus and Sophie are planning to get her a present. They are having a conversation. You're supposed to write their conversation. Ask ICQs: -Whose birthday is next week? -Who are going to get her a present ? -What are going to write? I will draw speech bubbles on the board writing some useful language and providing three choices Ask them to work in pairs. monitor and provide support. nominate to give feedback

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Request students to perform a role-play where they enact a conversation between the characters Marcus and Sophie, based on the scenario provided

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