Marwa Marwa


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Recommending places, food in the context of tour of interesting places

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about Recommending places, food in the context of tour of interesting places


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1-Greet your students. 2-In a minute, tell them about a holiday for a week in an attractive place. 3-Project these questions (or ask them orally): - Where would you go? -What activities would you try? 4-Ask them to discuss the questions in pairs. Monitor unobtrusively. 5- Ask them (Did your partner think differently from you? How?

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

1-Set the listening task – You’re going to listen to a record answer this question (What are they talking about ?) 2-Ask these ICQs: -Do you need to understand every word to find out? (Ss should say: No) -Will you ignore any difficult words to get the main idea? (Ss should say: Yes) Play the audio track, then let them check in pairs. Open class feedback.

Useful LanguageReco recommending places, food ,ect, Recommending not to do things, Describing places, Responding (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Establish the meaning with ss. Ask them to look at the questions in PPT, then ask these CCQs: 1-Did I have a good experience? 2-Did I enjoy being there? 3-Did I feel like it wasn’t the right choice? Model and drill some questions and highlight intonation on the board. Clarify these phrases: you should definitely try/visit...,I'd recommend..,-----is really worth seeing, I wouldn't recommend..,

Preparation (3-5 minutes) • To scaffold the speaking and give ss a chance to be ready for it

Ask Ss to do task ( Match the question with the answer ).

Productive Task(s) (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

In group design a tour of your country or your favorite place for your partners in anther group Decide on the following : 1-How long the tour will ,and how many days will be spent in each place 2-The best way to travel from one place to another 3-The main things to see in each place and why they are interesting 4-Tell ss they are going to design a tour of your country or a favorite place. 5-Divide the class into groups. 6-Group A will design a tour of a place , while Group B will a tour of a place 7- one of A will recommend the place for B . one of B will recommend the place for A 8-Assign 3 minutes for design the tour. 9-Stop the activity and ask ss to recommend the place to another group.

Feedback and Error Correction (3-4 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

1-Write two good examples of their language on the board; praise them. Write 2 or 3 (maybe more if time allows) faulty sentences on the board. Elicit and correct their errors.

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