Santiago fernández Guerra Fletes Santiago fernández Guerra Fletes

TP8- Grammar-superlatives -Santiago Fernández Guerra Fletes
Elementary A1/A2 level


In this lesson, learners will study superlatives with brief exposition to comparatives, through a comic strip text exposition in the contest of students having a conversation. The language analysis is performed through guided discovery, finishing with phonemic GD and clarification. Followed by controlled practice and free practice with ss-centered feedback.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of superlatives in the context of Comparing personal traits in their daily lives

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about Students having a conversation in the context of daily lives


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students by asking them to compare ideas

1.- Greeting 2.- "You are studying English, What do you think is more important to get good grades? Elicit 3 answers and write them down on the presentation. 3.- ss will discuss "what is more important to be good at studying" for one minute in BOR IQCs: Discuss in pairs. Yes for one minute? yes What is more important to be good at studying? OCFB: 1 min Write them down, Now ask, But what is "the most important" elicit one or two answers and write them down

Presentation(Gist task) (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1.-Show Slide 3 of the presentation (comic strip) and share G- form: and confirm that they can all see the form, 2.- Instructions: Now look at the text and answer question one. You have one minute, it's individual. ICQ's: do I look at the text, and answer question one? yes How much time? 1 minute Is it individual work? yes Go 3.- FB: What kind of text is it? a conversation Who is more intelligent Paul or Sarah? Sarah Who needs the least expensive organizer? Josh Who wants the best organizer? Josh

Presentation (guided discovery) (12-13 minutes) • To help students undertand the MFFP of the TL through guided discovery

1.- Instructions: Look at the g-form question 2 2.- Demo question 2 by asking a ss to answer it. you will have 2 minutes as a group to answer, Please turn on your microphones. IQCs: do we have to answer question 2? Yes individual or as a group? group Do we have 2 minutes? yes Go 3.- Monitor their work and ask ss to participate. 4.- FB 1 min total 3 min 1.- Instructions: Look at the g-form questions 3 to 10 2.- Demo questions 3 and 4 by asking a ss to answer it. Point out the examples You will have 5 minutes as a group to answer, Please turn on your microphones. IQCs: Do we have to answer questions 3-10? Yes individual or as a group? group Do we have 5 minutes? yes Go 3.- Monitor their work and ask ss to participate. When ss get to questions 8,9,10 demo questions 8 and 9 4.- OCFB 3 min Total 8 min Pronunciation 1.- Show slide 4 of presentation 2.- Now I'm going to say the words, listen and repeat. Ask every ss to practice 30 seconds. 3.- Show slide 5 of the presentation. 4.- Instructions: Now listen to the sentence and tell me what words are stressed. elicit answers from the ss. Now listen again: ask for linking and intonation to the ss. 1 min Clarification 1.- Ask CCQ's “Smartest” and “the most intelligent” are the same thing? Yes Can I say least or most smart? No Can I say inelligentest? No Can I say goodest? no

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1.- Show controlled practice section of the form 2.- Instructions: Now for questions 1 to 4, on your own, you will have 4 minutes to complete sentences with a superlative, do NOT submit the form- Demo by asking one of the ss that are presenting more difficulties. ICQs : Do we complete the sentences with a superlative? yes Is this group work?no How much time do we have? 4 minutes do we submit our answers when we finish? no Go 3.- Ask them to share their screen to monitor their work. 4.- Share link to the presentation: Confirm that they can see it. Show slide 6 5.- Instructions: Now I'm going to divide you into groups, One of you is going to read one answer, and the other will compare the answer with slide 6 to see if it's correct and will say it correctly if it's not. Ask two ss to demo. 1 min Tell them they have 3 minutes, ICQ's: Do you read your answers? yes Do you correct your partner's answers if they are wrong? yes How much time do you have? 3 minutes The teacher will monitor their work and clarify when needed. At the end, the teacher will clarify that monosyllables that end in Y with a previous consonant change the Y for -iest when becoming superlatives. (in the case of pretty)

Free Practice (8-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1.- Divide the ss into pairs and assign them to slides one to 7 of the presentation. 2.- Instructions: Now I will assign you to a slide in the presentation with a classmate, one of you will ask something to compare the landscapes and write the question, and the other one will answer with a superlative and write the answer. For example (which landscape is the prettiest? ask two ss to demo. Tell them they have 2 minutes (2 min) ICQs Individual or pairwork? pairwork What slide ? Each ss will name their slide If I have to ask what do I ask? a question with a superlative If I have to answer what do I answer? A sentence with a superlative Do I write my answers/questions? Yes 3.- BoR 2 min, teacher will monitor their progress 4.- Now assign ss to 11 to 14, Instructions: Now I will give you two minutes to take turns asking each other questions comparing the three actresses on slide 11, you don't write your question. ICQs Individual or pairwork? pairwork What slide? 11 If I have to ask what do I ask? a question with a superlative If I have to answer what do I answer? A sentence with a superlative Do I write my answers/questions? No 5.- BoR: 2 min 6.- Instructions: now ask ss to read out loud each question and answer and give feedback. demo. 3 min 7.- DEC

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