Nadja Vivas Nadja Vivas

TP3- Lexis- Nadja Vivas
Intermediate level


Phrasal verbs in the context of ATM


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of phrasal verbs in the context of ATMs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide deduction and inference listening practice using a text about phrasal verbs in the context of ATMs
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice sharing an anecdote or creating a story in the context of ATMs using target language


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. I will play the sounds of an ATM and ask ss to recognise the sound. a. What image comes to your mind when you hear this? A: Cashmachine b. Do you know any other word for "cashmachine"? A: ATM 2. Share the slides, introduce topic. 3. If ss answer n°1 quick: a. Is it common in your country to use ATMs? b. What do you use them for?

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. Share slides with the recording. 2. In BORs ss listen to the recording and decide which phrasal verb belongs to which story on a Jamboard. They will get the gist as well in this task. (They can listen to the recording while being on the Jamboard by opening the slides in another tab) 3. Feedback. Check answers

Clarification (16-18 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Ss can play the recording again for the next activity. 1. MEANING a. Ss match each phrasal verb from the text with the definition and the correct image in BORs 4-5min b. Feedback. 2min 2. FORM a. Ss place the correct phrasal verb in the sentence b. Ss decide if the phrasal verbs are separable or inseparable. Both activities in BORs 4min c. Feedback. 2min 3. PRONUNCIATION a. Ss match the phonetics with the phrasal verbs in BORs. 3min b. In the main room, T drills and models, ss repeat. 3min

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. Ss reorganize the unjumbled sentences in the Jamboard. 4min 2. Feedback. 2min

Free Practice (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. Ss will improvise. They will share a weird anecdote about ATMs, if they don't have one, they will create one using the phrasal verbs learnt along the lesson. Each peer has to guess if the story is real or not. Ss will do this in pairs in BORs. 4-5min 2. Overall feedback about accuracy on the language. 3-4min

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