veronica gamboa veronica gamboa

Elementary level


Main Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of an invitation in the context of birthays

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about invitation in the context of birth
  • To provide review of language used for greetings, invitation and RSVP in the context of birthays


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Send students a link to a puzzle to guess the topic of the lesson, ask them to do it in less than a minute. (Birthday) Use the puzzle activity to allow the smooth integration of latecomers. Late students would not get the link they just wait till the next activity Then ask them the following questions What do you do on your birthday? Elicit answers like a party, dinner with my friends, go to a club How do you tell people about your birthday celebration? elicit send an e-mail

Text Analysis (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the writing that the students will produce and to highlight useful language

Show students the text. Ask them to read it quickly and answer the questions on the right side. (1 min) The party is for Stacy's birthday NO The party is at 7 pm on September NO Elicit the correct answers Provide the G-Jamboard link, and ask students to locate the slide with their name. Ask students to match the arrows to the different parts of the text. Allow students two minutes for this activity. Greetings When is the event happening Where is the party How to get there Contact details Signing off In pairs, students will check their answers. Open BORs if necessary. (2 min). Check only wrong answers in OC. A: Ask students if they think the e-mail is formal or informal (informal) and Why? (The language, the greeting etc) M Draw students' attention back to the slides. Ask students to look at the sentences and try matching the top and bottom. Ask students to read each sentence and provide an answer. Ask students if they could provide an alternative expression. I would be very happy if you could come! (Invitation) Alternatives: I would like to invite you You are invited Please come to my party How are you? We've not seen each other for a long time! (Greeting) Alternatives: Hope you're having a great week Hi there Stacy Hello Stacy Long time no see Please let my parents know if you are coming…( Attendance confirmation) Alternatives: Give me a call to confirm you are coming RSVP by Friday Please confirm your attendance. F Show the next slide and ask students to fill in the blank spaces. Check their answers and ask students to provide alternatives. We've not seen each other for (Adverb) I would be (adjective) if you could come! (ecstatic, excited, delighted) Please let (Noun) know if you are coming.

Productive Task(s) (12-13 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Share the G-doc link. Ask students to locate the page with their name Ask students to write their own invitation e-mail. Show students the model they previously analyzed.

Productive task Peer correction (8-10 minutes) • Students review their peers activity

In pairs, ask students to check their partner's invitation. Provide a checklist in the chat box as guidance for the students. Open BORs if necessary. Checklist: Find the inviting expression Does the e-mail have all the necessary information? Is it a friendly e-mail (informal)? Suggestions

Feedback and Error Correction (4-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Allow space for necessary delayed error correction.

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