Delaram Delaram

Somewhere to live
Elementary level


In this lesson students will learn about the difference between (there is /are) (this that these those ) and how to show and describe what they see and difference between kind of house and apartment also have some reading which is the main aim of the lesson and they will learn new words .


Abc Photos

Main Aims

  • To provide reading and speaking

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide grammar


Warmup (10-15 minutes)

I will start the class with some question about what they like and i will use some pictures to show them for learning new words

Exposure-setting the context (15-20 minutes)

Students are going to check some words with teacher Then they are going to look at photos of whitehouse and another typs of house , in this way i can get them ready for reading and part of my lesson.

Presentation (20-30 minutes)

I am going to asking questions to getting them ready for reading and speaking

Free practice with a speaking part (15-25 minutes)

I choose a topic related to lesson then i ask a question so they start to answering and they will talk in group .

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