Rhn Rhn

Living in space
Elementary level


The main idea in this lesson is astronomy . Students learn new vocabulary through scanning a writing which is about living in space . Students curiosity will be activated using pictures and their own idea and also experiences about astronomy. The main topic is teaching writing and vocabulary . speaking is is a skill which will be worked on in order to help students improve their fluency and learn how to talk about professional subjects ( that is mentioned as technology in the writing ) which is not so common to talk about and learn how to use new vocabularys in order to attend in conversations and talk about their interests.


Abc Headway elementary SB and pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a Report in the context of Technology

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in Debate and pair work in the context of Technology


Warm-up (5-10 minutes) • To lead students get interested in the subject

1- I will ask about how do they spend their free times and if they are interested in watching movies or series then I will focus on the of them and ask them if they are interested in sci-fi genre and anything related. 2- I will ask them if they have watched the movie interstellar and they will be more curious about the subject and in class we will talk about astronomy and any information I will try to pre teach words from Reading . 3- in pairs or groups they will be talking about the information they have gained from watching movies watching series or Reading articles about astronomy.

While reading (10-15 minutes) • To provide learning new words effectively

1-the students will read and also scan first part of the reading . 2- in pairs or groups they will talk about the Reading and I will control them to see if they all are included and learned the lesson or not. 3 - I will ask them what do they want to ask if they meet a real astronaut and I will let them work on this question and also their own questions in pairs or groups. 4- after group works I will lead them to read second part of the Reading to find out their questions answers.

Post reading (15-20 minutes) • To do the exercises of the book and more ideas about the Reading and the subject

1- students will have time to do the exercise about first part of their reading without looking back that may be a little challenging . 2- they will have time to check their answers in pairs and then the whole class will check the answers together. 3- the other exercises will also be done and checked in order . 4 - in the class we will talk about the future of the Earth or ISS or any subject relatives to the readings subject based on students interests.

Web site designed by: Nikue