TP 6
B1 level


A text-based lesson where students learn and practice functional language for clarifying opinions through discussions on people's qualifications.


Abc Clare, Antonia and Wilson, JJ. Speak Out Intermediate Students' Book, Pearson Education, 2nd edition
Abc Speakout Intermediate Teacher's Book
Abc Speak Out Intermediate CD Audio Recording
Abc Parrott, Martin. Grammar for English Language Teachers, Cambridge University Press 2003

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of functional language used for of fixed and semi-fixed expressions related to clarifying opinions in the context of by use of a conversation on qualifications

Subsidiary Aims

  • To engage students' receptive skills by means of listening to an audio/skimming through a text (for gist and for detailed understanding) about an intelligent Egyptian boy


Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students' opinions in a scenario related to people's qualifications

T states lesson type. T presents Ss with a few lead-in questions, and then (prioritizes) the lead-in scenario. T copies the lead-in question into the chat and sends Ss to breakout rooms to discuss. (2 minutes, pairs) T asks ICQ’s. Ss discuss responses with one another. T conducts open class feedback. T cold-calls on 1 to 2 Ss to share what they or their partner said. (If S does not use TL in their response, T may continue to prompt until S uses TL, time allowing)

Text Work (8-8 minutes) • To introduce the target language to students in the context of a conversation about people's qualifications, and (2) encourage Ss to highlight the TL.

T introduces the gist task. T plays the audio recording of the conversation. T specifies instructions before allowing Ss to work individually. (1 minute, individual) T asks ICQ’s. T posts the task in the chat. T monitors for time and lets Ss know how much time is remaining. T asks Ss to send private messages to each other with their answers. T pairs up students. (1 minute, individual) T asks ICQ’s T monitors & returns Ss to the main room. T shares screen before OCFB. T cold calls Ss and asks them to share their answers.

Clarification/M(A)FP (12-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of functional language on clarifying opinions; to highlight differences between fixed and semi-fixed expressions

T uses MFPA task #2 to encourage Ss to identify today’s form. T posts the task in chat. T sends Ss to breakout rooms to quickly choose their answers. (2 minutes, pairs) T asks ICQ’s. T monitors & returns Ss to the main room. T asks Ss what they noticed about the activity. Then T walks Ss through examples of fixed and semi-fixed expressions for giving or clarifying opinions. T has Ss produce their own examples. Ss send messages directly to each other with their examples. (10 seconds/example, pairs) T continues using either the slides, OR, the highlighting google doc to help Ss identify fixed versus semi-fixed expressions for communicating opinions. T cold calls Ss to read sentences aloud and identify whether the bolded expressions are fixed or semi-fixed expressions. Once T is satisfied Ss have an understanding of the TL, T moves on to controlled practice

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To check that students can identify the target language independently through a revision exercise

T shares screen of the controlled practice task. T has S read the instructions at the top of the google form. T gives further instructions. (First, individual, 1 minute. Then, pairs, 2 minutes). T asks ICQ’s. T posts the task in the chat. T allows Ss to work individually and monitors time. T sends Ss to the breakout room to check their answers. T monitors for time & understanding. T returns Ss to the main room. T checks the last question for understanding. T checks other responses if time allows.

Freer Practice (10-12 minutes) • To encourage students to use the target (functional) language in conversation with each other

T shares screen of google slides to show the freer practice question.. T or S reads FP questions. T copies FP questions into chat. T instructs Ss on the final task. (5-10 minutes, pair) T asks ICQ’s. T sends Ss to breakout rooms to discuss (if only a few Ss are present, T engages in open conversation with them). T monitors discussions for usage or understanding of the TL. T intervenes only to clarify language. T returns Ss to the main room for feedback. T uses remaining time to drill examples for pronunciation AND/OR,T engages in DEC for pronunciation noted throughout the lesson. (check time: 5-2 minutes)

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