Iman Batouty Iman Batouty

Family tree
elementary stage level


In this lesson, students will be introduced to the family generate interest at the beginning of the lesson I will bring them a picture of the Jordanian royal family and start talking about them. then I will go on with introducing the new words using flash cards. Moreover, I will emphasise the usage of the possessive s. In addition, we will go on with the control practice and then the free practice.


Abc PPT-Gap fill hangout 1 - correct sentences- hangout2 - flash cards

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson students will have been better able to read and speak in the context of the family tree

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency when reading or speaking in the context of the family members


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- Greet the students. 2- Display a picture of the royal Jordanian family. 3- Ask ss questions like: a- Who do you see in the picture? b- What do you think their relationships are? 4- Encourage ss to discuss their ideas in pairs or in small groups then ask a few students to share their thoughts with the whole class.

Reading (Exposure) (10-12 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1- Write the word family on the board and elicit the meaning from the ss. 2-Introduce the picture of the Browns family and ask the students to brainstorm different family members. 3-Introduce the vocabulary ( e.g., grandparents, cousins etc.) using visual aids or gestures. 4-Provide the stress for each word i mention: e.g., grandfather -gr*andfa-ther /Uncle- Un-cle 5- Distribute HO#1 of the reading text about the Brown family and ask the students to read it individually. 5 -After reading, ask students to ansIwer the questions in pairs or groups discussing the following questions: a- Who are the family members? b- How are they related to each other? Monitor the ss and provide assistance as needed. - ss then listen to the CD to check their answers. - Conduct quick feedback on the exercises. - Model and Drill .write on the board. Highlight word stress and pronunciation.

Language presentation (8-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1- I will ask again the Ss to look at the Browns family tree. 2- they will do the exercise on the board using flashcards. CCQs: 1-How many children do Pam and Nick have? 2-Does Martina have any daughter? 3- Do Ben and Mary have any grandsons? - Monitor the Ss progress and provide assistance as necessary. - Collective feedback on the board. -Introduce the possessive "S" while explaining the vocabulary. -Pam's husband is Nick. Subj+ verb+ object(s) -Jill is Greg's sister. subj+ verb+ object (s)

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1- will distribute H0#2 2- Provide a demo to make sure the students understand the idea of the exercise. 3- Encourage the students to work in pairs or groups. 4- Monitor the students and provide assistance as necessary. 5- Conduct a brief whole-class feedback, asking the students to share their answers.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1-Ask students to draw their own family trees. 2- In pairs have Ss compare their family trees. 3- Encourage the students to use the vocabulary and sentence structures practiced in the lesson. 4-Monitor the discussion and provide feedback as needed. 5- Wrap up the activity by asking a few students to share interesting information about their family trees with the whole class.

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