Safwa Muhammad Safwa Muhammad

Second Conditional
intermediate level


In this lesson, ss learn about the second conditional through guided discovery based on a reading text based called "I'm kind of broke". The lesson starts with a lead - in question related to the text topic "How do you feel when you don't have enough money to buy something you want?" .T clarifies the form using a marker from the text and then highlights and drills wh question, yes / no question and negative forms. After the controlled practice (complete the conversation) and the freer practice (discuss some questions).T does a delayed error correction.


Abc text handout , guided discovery sheet, gap-filling handout , answer keys, questions for the freer

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of second conditional in the context of I am a kind of broke

Subsidiary Aims

  • To familiarize ss with the second conditional through reading


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the text, activate schemata and to prepare students to read

Do you love shopping? Do you like to be rich? we all do, right. But what if we can't. How do you feel when you don't have enough money to buy something you want? Instructions: Read the question. Answer it in pairs. You have three mins.

Present the language – usually in a written text and with a gist/detail reading task. (3-4 minutes) • To orient students to the overall content of the text.

Look at the picture . What can you see? Who are they ? What are they doing ? these are Elliot and Lucia. They are looking at something. Instruction :Read the text alone and quickly to answer these two questions. You have three mins ICQS: Are you going to answer two questions ? Do you have to read every word ? Hand them the handouts now.

Guided discovery stage (4-5 minutes) • To guide students to the meaning, form of the target Language using an inductive approach.

Instruction : These two sentences are from the text. Read them again and answer the questions in pairs. You have five mins. ICQS: Are you going to read the sentences before answering the questions? You can read them from the text if you want.

Language clarification (5-6 minutes) • To elicit and confirm answers and clarify problem areas on meaning and form where necessary.

From the text , find a a sentence that has if. Read it for me, please. Model it to the ss. Draw their attention to the intonation : the music goes up in the first part and goes down in the second one. Drill then draw their attention to the connected speech : I would =I'd two words we make it one. Model and drill Check the meaning CCQs: Is it possible to Lucia to buy the camera? no , she doesn't have more money. Are we talking about past , present or future? Write the marker sentence now on the board. Highlight features of pronunciation, Form : If + subject +past simple verb, subject + would + base form. negative form : If +s +past simple verb , s+ would+ not+ base form. wh question :what would you buy if you had more money ? Yes/ no question : Would you buy a camera if you had more money ? yes, I would no , I wouldn't

controlled practice (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with practice at using target language in a controlled way with a focus on accuracy.

Alone ,complete the conversation using the correct verbs. You have 4 minutes

Freer Practice of target language (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with practice at using target language in a freer way with a focus on meaningful communication.

Alone read these questions and take notes , then discuss it with your partner ask and answer to tell the class about your answers . Demonstration : Would you like to listen to my answer for the first question. I would go to UK and Switzerland, Switzerland is known for cheese ,watches and chocolates.

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