Alfredo Alfredo

TP 7 - Writing a complaint letter
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson students will write a letter to complain in the context of a bad service or good received. Students will identify the structure of the complaint letter and share their writing to receive feedback and peer-correction, as well as good use of language.


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Main Aims

  • To enable students to practice their writing skills by giving them a model text and useful language in the context of a bad service of good they received.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide ss with opportunities to give peer correction to practice their skimming skills.
  • To provide ss with opportunities to show interest in other ss' writing and give postivie feedback.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To introduce and generate interest in the topic.

Show two or three images about a bad good or service received. Have ss describe the problem illustrated and mention one thing they have complained about.

Gist and Exposure (2-3 minutes) • To lead the Ss into the general theme of the text; to provide a model of the text type.

Show the model text. Ss read it in open classroom. Feedback - 1 or 2 ss max.

Language focus (6-7 minutes) • To focus on the text structure; to introduce and highlight useful language for the task.

Show the model text with blanks and drag-and-drop options to identify the structure of the letter in open classroom. Have ss check the answer key. Show the model with highlighted useful language and elicit what is their function in the letter - self-introduction and presenting the complaint listing problems empathetic language requesting action sign off

Planning (1-2 minutes) • To give Ss thinking and note-taking time to organize ideas for the subsequent task.

Have ss decide on: -The topic for their complaint. -The points to mention (2 or 3 max). -What you consider the necessary action to take.

Writing task (14-15 minutes) • To provide authentic written practice using correct text type structure and target language presented.

Ss write their complaint letter. T monitors

Publishing (7-8 minutes) • To provide practice in skimming & reading for details; to promote interest in what other Ss have written

Skimming and details on ss’ work identified in the previous stage while monitoring. Open class.

Feedback on content and language (7-8 minutes) • To share a student’s work with the whole class; to highlight errors and any good language that Ss have used and promote peer correction

Give feedback on errors and good language. Have ss give peer-correction.

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